Research has found exactly how many nappies you're likely to change before your child turns four years old...
For mums and dads, there are certain things about being a parent that get boring VERY quickly.
Like changing nappies- you feel like you've changed a MILLION by the time your child is one-month-old and endured about the same amount of tantrums.
But a study of 2,000 British parents has discovered exactly how many nappies parents will change by the time their child turns four.
GALLERY: This is what REALLY makes you a mum...
The top 10 things that really make you a mum (slider)

mum with child

1) Being there when your child needs you

2) Wanting your child’s happiness more than your own

3) Coping with all the highs and lows of parenting

4) Loving your child unconditionally

5) Being emotionally available for your child

6) Answering all their questions dozens of times

7) Doing the drudgery of domestic chores like washing, cooking and cleaning out of love

8) Going without so your child has what they need

9) Being pregnant and giving birth

10) Having a biological child
According to the research, undertaken on behalf of Frankie and Benny's, parents will change a whopping 3,728 nappies throughout their child's first four years.
But that wasn't the only shocking stat...
Parenting by numbers until a child turns four
Nappy changes: 3,738
Nights of lost sleep: 728
Tantrums: 1,092
Colds and bugs: 28
Times trying to make them laugh: 2,920
Kisses: 1,456
Cuddles: 1,664
Kids say ‘I Love You’: 1,248
Times you will hide yourself away to have a snack without being disturbed: 144
Times children push food away: 288
Lies told about their food: 144
Children’s films watched: 240
Children’s TV episodes watched: 2,704
Times the iPad come out to give you some peace: 288
White lies told: 240
Battles had: 384
Battles won: 169
Interruptions when you are on the toilet: 192
Nights spent sleeping by the cot to get your child to sleep: 192
Aww. But it's all worth it in the end!
WATCH: Loose Women discuss their best tips and tricks for raising children
**Do you agree with these stats? Which one resonates with you the most? Let us know over on **Facebook and Twitter.
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