REAL LIFE: ‘I’m gorging on Nutella to get the world’s biggest BUM!’

Natasha Crown, world's biggest bum

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In this week’s Closer we speak exclusively to Natasha Crown - the woman hoping to get the world’s biggest bum. Here’s a teaser...

Regularly gorging on pizza, pasta and a staggering 6kg of Nutella a month, Natasha Crown, is on a mission to achieve the body of her dreams.

For, the 24-year-old glamour model is determined to break the world record for having the biggest bum.

Natasha, from Gothenburg, Sweden, already has a ginormous 70inch backside, thanks to three Brazillian butt lifts – where fat is taken from other parts of the body before being injected into the buttocks.

WATCH: Natasha Crown shake her sizeable booty!


However, she is now eating as much as possible to create the extra body fat she needs for an even more curvaceous look – even though it could kill her.

Natasha, who is 5ft 10 and weighs 21 stone, says: “Surgery is like a drug for me – I’m completely addicted.

“But I can’t have another butt lift until I’ve gained at least an extra 2.5st to be transferred to my bum – so I’m going to eat until I do.

Natasha Crown, world's biggest bum
Natasha's bum measures 70inches! (Credit: Barcroft) ©Barcroft

“My new figure has completely ruined my love life and complications due to my size also mean that I could die from having too much surgery.

“But I'll do whatever it takes to have the world’s biggest bum.”

Read the rest of Natasha’s story in this week’s Closer magazine - OUT NOW!

When it comes to bums - do you think the bigger the better? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter


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