Is anybody in the world of TOWIE actually mates anymore?
It's an absolute workout for us to keep up with the friendships and the fallouts, so it must be a full time job for them to be involved in them. Wait, we guess it kind of IS their job.
Unless you've been living under a rock, you'll be aware of the Chloe Brockett vs Amber Turner showdown from last season which essentially resulted in the end of 'Girlband'.

With Chloe B partings ways from Girlband, which consisted of Amber, Chloe Meadows and Courtney Green, she made a beeline for a different friendship group which was a catalyst for THAT trio of pals to fall out.
Once again if you don't know what we're talking about, have you been living in Narnia?
Chloe B suddenly became besties with Junaid Ahmed and Dani Imbert, which was a shock to every single person who has ever watched TOWIE because they're supposed to be BFFs with Ella Rae Wise who has an ongoing feud with Chloe B. Shady right?

As we wait for the new season of TOWIE to start, Dani, Ella and Junaid have been keeping us highly entertained with their constant passive aggressive memes and indirects on social media. The cherry on top of the cake is that none of them follow each other on Instagram, therefore the quips and quotes are just for us to enjoy.
Anyway, we digress. As we aren't here to report on the Chloe B x Amber fall out or ever the fact that Amber also split from boyfriend Dan Edgar which is another reason the streets of Essex must be hella awks right now.
In fact we are here to update you on Saffron Lempriere and her distain for Essex's answer to Karen Smith and Gretchen Weiners.

The official TOWIE instagram posted an interview with Saffron and she chatted about what has been going on during the Essex family trip to Cyprus.
She touched on the countless rows between her cast mates and also announced she has her own beef with Chloe Meadows and Courtney Green. Before you claim that we could be exaggerating about the new fall out, Saffron's exact words were as follows.
“I’m not happy with Chloe and Courtney.”
See? We're only speaking facts.
"They had a lot to say, a lot of digging," she continued, "Asked me to reign it in, was coming at me."
Who on God's green earth thinks that telling Saffron Lempriere to 'reign it in' is a good idea?
"Then I got a happy birthday message from Chloe and I thought, 'where are we going with this?' I'm yet to see her in Cyprus, can't wait though, can't wait."
Now, now Saffron, that sounds an awful lot like sarcasm.

The self-confessed 'meddler' added, "We know I'm not short of bit of gossip because I do find everything out. Everyone confides in me, I can't help it but do I love it? Yeah."
Saffron ended the chat by confirming, "There is a massive divide at the minute, the friendship dynamics are crazy. I've heard it all."