TOWIE bosses confirm Diags and Jodie split and we need to know what happened

Series 35 begins Sunday 23 February 2025

diags and jodie

by Ben Pulsford |
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Well, well, if there's one thing we didn't anticipate popping up on our 2025 TOWIE bingo cards it's TOWIE bosses flat-out addressing a major show rumour before the start of a new series. They're usually far more mysterious and love to leave us guessing until the full tea is spilled on the show but, for whatever reason, they've addressed the rumour that cast members Jodie Wells and Diags have split head on.

And just as we thought, the rumours are true – the former couple have parted ways.

Diags and Jodie
Diags and Jodie ©itv lime pictures

TOWIE bosses confirmed the news in a very telling press briefing about series 35 (which starts Sunday 23 February 2025 at 9pm).

Producers revealed, 'The brand-new series kicks off in Essex as bombshell news sends shockwaves through our favourite Essex crew on a night out - Diags and Jodie have split up! During the break-up, Dan has been Diags’ rock but will Diags take on board his best mate's advice when he sits down for a heart to heart with Jodie?'

Diags ©(C) Objective Media

We genuinely thought Diags had finally found his happily ever after when he asked Jodie and her son Bear to move to Essex and live with him, but the move never materialised and, prior to the cast trip to Bali, eagle-eyed fans clocked that Jodie had wiped traces of her relationship with Diags from her Instagram profile and seemingly unfollowed him. A quick glance at her socials also revealed that Jodie spent the festive period apart from Diags, celebrating Christmas with her ‘besties’ instead.

Signs of a split were definitely there, but in the weeks that followed neither Diags nor Jodie spoke out overtly about the split. Now it seems they don't have to, as their bosses have done it for them; nevertheless, it seems clear we'll get the context – the real tea – by tuning into the new series.

Jodie and diags
Jodie and diags ©lime pictures itv

In the same briefing, TOWIE bosses also revealed that despite having one of the most up and down relationships in TOWIE history, Dan Edgar and Ella Rae Wise are 'flourishing', as well as officially confirming that Matilda Draper from Love Island is joining the cast (she is dating Roman Hackett). They also teased more drama for Junaid Ahmed, Joe Blackman and Harry Derbidge is still as rife as ever, but we didn't need a media release to know that one.

Can we get updates like this more often, ITV? Seriously, we're trying to cut down our Instagram time in 2025.

WATCH: As the TOWIE cast wrap up filming in Bali, the Closer online team shares their predictions for series 35 drama 👀

Ben Pulsford is a digital writer for Bauer Media, writing for both Closer online and heatworld. When he's not getting paid to gossip about TOWIELove Island and The Real Housewives of Cheshire, he's storming the London LGBTQ+ scene as drag queen, Beary Poppins. Both Ben and Beary are awaiting an invite to join The Real Housewives of Cheshire for series 18. The budget's not there, but the drama is 💅.

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