We're not usually ones to wish our lives away here at Closer online, but we are hoping the next few days zoom by because then we'll have new episodes of The Real Housewives of Cheshire AND TOWIE on our screens.
Actually, no, that means Celebrity Big Brother will be over – okay, maybe we'll just live in the moment.

If you follow any of the Housewives on Instagram then you'll know that they have been teasing series 17 content HARD for weeks now and, slowly, we've been able to piece together what is looking like a top tier series of RHOCheshire, what with two guest Housewives returning to the fold, two – no doubt chaotic – girls' trips and endless speculation over whether Hanna Kinsella has left the show.
And then the official Instagram took it up a notch by releasing THE most glamorous silhouette teasers of four new Housewives for series 17 – you heard us, FOUR. And, no, we had no clue.
Apparently, ITV bosses have splashed out on two guest Housewives and two new official Housewives in a game-changing cast shake-up that has left us, frankly, rattled – but still asking, "Still no Dawn Ward?"
So here's what we know; the guest Housewives are Tanya Bardsley and Ampika Pickston who have teased filming on their socials A LOT, so why ITV is pretending this is a big secret, we have no clue....
But the real gag came with the announcement that two new official cast members (which means they'll have their own taglines) have joined the cast for series 17.
And now we know who they are, hooray!
One is 'controversial', former guest Housewife, Paige Chohan and the other has a link with a 'shamed' TOWIE star and is fashion stylist Eleanor Egar.
After digging, Closer has learned that Eleanor is a seriously well connected lady, one who is followed by a plethora of celebs.
One of these followers is 'shamed' TOWIE star Pia Smith (yep, the one who got booted from the show after the Dominican Republic drama in 2022).
Speaking about Pia at the time of the 'vaping on the plane' incident, TOWIE's Saffron Lempriere said, "I told her to firmly shut up...because it don't think when it speaks...a new cast member with questionable respect and as for the person vaping please spend your time sending her messages all day".

We simply NEED to know how on earth Pia and Ellie know each other. Reddit, if you've picked this up, do your thing...