EXCLUSIVE Love Island: Chris Taylor opens up on Joey Essex’s VERY expensive eating habits and bloody hell

The former TOWIE star sure loves Sheesh

joey essex chris taylor

by Ben Pulsford |
Updated on

There is something about the Love Island contestants chatting about the food in the villa that has us gripped.

Whether it's Demi Jones slandering the "not great," meals or Antigoni Buxton exposing the cheese she was FORBIDDEN from taking into the villa, there's something interesting about the food do's and don'ts of Love Island life.

One person who might struggle with the set meals in the Love Island 2024 villa is TOWIE turned bombshell, Joey Essex.

joey is on love island ©itv

Although Joey appears to have settled into the show by stealing Samantha Kenny from Sam Taylor and flirting with pretty much every girlie, we have a feeling he won't be TOO thrilled when it comes to meal times.

Closer recently chatted to Love Island 2019 and All Stars funnyman Chris Taylor about this year's series of the romance reality TV show and he spilled all the tea on what Joey's boujee AF diet consists of.

"I live quite close to Joey so I’ve bumped into him quite a few times," Chris revealed. "There was a point in his life where he ate breakfast, lunch and dinner at Sheesh."

Chris ©Chris

Breakfast, lunch AND dinner? Sorry, moneybags.

Everyone knows how fancy Sheesh is - here at Closer HQ we contemplated having a cute little team night out and decided that we could probably afford to order a bowl of chips and jug of water between eight of us.

"If you were to go to Sheesh at any point in the day, you would see Joey Essex there," Chris threw in and to be fair, if we had the dollar to eat out at Sheesh three times a day we probably would.

joey ©itv

"He’s actually a lovely boy. He’s one of the nicest boys I’ve met in the reality scene," Chris added, and he isn't the only one.

Although Joey is currently coupled up with Samantha, he has caught the eye of several of the other OG girls including Harriett Blackmore who snuck off to the hideaway with Joey in last night's episode.

Oh, we just live for the drama of it.

Chris Taylor has partnered with McDonald’s to raise awareness of its new Surprize Fries promotion, where customers will be in with chance of winning millions of prizes. Running from Wednesday 29th May to Tuesday 2nd July.

WATCH: After he coupled up with Samantha, here's all of Love Island bombshell Joey Essex's former loves and lays

Emily Vierke is a digital writer for heat and Closer Online who enjoys stalking The Love Island girlies for fashion inspo especially Indiyah Polack and Ella Thomas. Emily has a soft spot for TOWIE OGs Amy and Harry, mainly because she was also not aware that the capital of India was New Delhi she DID, however, know that know it wasn't France.

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