One of the best things about Love Island and Love Island: All Stars (especially if you're a nosy Closer journalist who counts gossip as a food group) is that once the series has wrapped, the drama can continues IRL for weeks, if not months and years. Outside of the villa these Islanders suddenly become part of each others lives – they go to the same events, hang out with the same people, and naturally, new sparks begin to fly; the closest and most platonic of friends suddenly start seeing each other in new lights and meet-ups and night-outs are suddenly flirty rendezvous and romantic boat ride dates for two. Case in point...
Closer recently caught up with All Stars legends Chris Taylor and Kaz Kamwi, who are promoting the release of Barbie on Sky Cinema, and it turns out these two sneaky Islanders went on a sneaky secret boat trip as part of the boujie gig and both told us that it was a "date".

Well, sort of.
Barbie and Sky Cinema recently whisked Love Island 2019's Chris and Love Island 2021's Kaz – who were in a friendship couple in the All Stars villa, btw – away on a romantic boat ride in Southampton (not exactly that mountainous South African aesthetic, eh?). In a fun take on the film's iconic scenes, Captain Chris and Captain Kaz set sail on a romantic day out featuring "drinks" and "nibbles".

Chris – who, fun fact, actually starred in the popular 2023 movie starring Margot Robbie as one of the Kens – told us, "It was a great day, actually, so obviously we went on the boat to do the Barbie and Ken scene when they go into the real world and it was a bloody lovely day. It was very Barbie-esque, very pink and joyous and they let us drive the boat which was pretty sick. All in all, it was a fantastic day. Kaz’s experience of driving the boat was slightly more terrifying than mine."
Chris then added, "In my eyes it was a date. There was nibbles, there was drinks…It was basically like if Love Island had budget what the dates would be like."

Okay, so these two clearly aren't actually dating – as much as we want them to – but it's crystal clear how close they are. So close in fact, that they admitted to spooning one another the other day – that could just be a habit leftover from the Love Island bedroom, though, let's be fair. Everyone spoons everyone in that place. this space, perhaps?
To be fair, this isn't exactly the first time Chris and Kaz have sparked relationship rumours. At the end of February 2024, The Sun reported that this Barbie and Ken were looking suspiciously close on a night out, with the pair calling each other "wife" and "darling" on Instagram.

Steering the conversation away from her erm, platonic, relationship with Chris, Kaz told us about her love for another icon, Barbie, "I love Barbie, I’ve played with Barbie since I was like three. Pink’s my favourite colour, so when I was like, ‘What do I wear?’ No one needed to tell me anything about the dress code."
Barbie is now available to watch for all existing Sky Cinema customers at no extra cost