Who remembers the days of Love Island when people used to get frisky atop the covers and the hideaway wasn't such a secret experience?
Oh we do like to rewatch Love Island 2016, what a time to be alive that was.
But it turns out that the most recent series of Love Island is a tad more x-rated than we are all led to believe.
In the words of Whitney Adebayo, "It's giving sex."
Recently dumped bombshells, Tink Reading and Gabby Jeffrey paid us a cute lil visit to Closer HQ and revealed some super saucy secrets from their time in the Spanish villa.

Of course we all know that the Casa Amor girlies necked on with two of the Love Island 2023 boys but failed to bag themselves a spot in the main villa.
Tink smooched Montel McKenzie on the terrace and was involved in some "non PG" bits in bed and Gabby shared a kiss with Sammy Root in the EXACT same place he locked lips with Amber Wise. Smooth, Sammy, real smooth.
But it turns out there was much more lipsing and we just didn't get to see it.
Why do the producers like to torture us like this?
We deserve better.

When asked if there were any unaired scenes both Tink and Gabby chatted about the same scenarios.
"We played a full game of spin the bottle and truth or dare," Gabby revealed. "It was all going off and getting heated and kisses were flying around, and they cut that out completely."
All going off? Getting heated? Kisses flying around?
This sounds like the time Love Island 2021 icon Chloe Burrows revealed the cast of season 7 were basically involved in a massive "orgy."
"They didn’t show our game of truth or dare at all," Tink agreed, "I think that would have put a lot into context for my situation because that’s how that started. Also your [Gabby] situation with Sammy."
Are we really going to have to start ANOTHER petition to show all the unaired scenes? Come on Love Island producers, step it up a notch, will you?