Dawn French embraces natural hair with edgy new look

"Hello there woman in her 60s..."

Dawn French grey hair undercut

by Nathan Katnoria |
Updated on

The Vicar of Dibley star Dawn French is known for her trademark brunette bob (as well as her hilarious comedy, of course) but she’s unveiled an edgy new look after embracing her natural grey hair.

The 63-year-old comedian proudly showed off her dramatic transformation on Instagram as she revealed she’d embraced her natural roots with a trendy undercut.

Dawn French grey hair undercut

Alongside her selfie, Dawn wrote, “Going lighter bit by bit to happily welcome the grey… with an undercut surprise..! Hello there woman in her 60s…”

Wow, she looks FAB.

And we’re not the only ones who think so as her celeb pals rushed to compliment her on her new look.

Dawn French grey hair undercut

This Morning and Loose Women star Ruth Langsford commented, "LOVE the undercut!! Grey is the new blonde!"

Carol Vorderman wrote, “Forever beautiful 😍,” while Emma Willis wrote "Yes Dawn!!!"

Another of Dawn’s followers called her an “inspiration”, while another added, “Beautiful! Grow older disgracefully 🥳🥳.”

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Dawn, who once lost seven and a half stone, opened up about gaining weight last year on her podcast Titting About alongside Jennifer Saunders.

She said, “I’ve gone back to being an entire barrel but do you know what? I’m going to be 63 this year, I don’t give a f—k. I really don’t, so long as I can walk…

“I’m not going to be stingy to myself anymore.”

Dawn added, “I never did dislike anything really about my body, even when I was very, very fat. In fact, I used to get really angry when I did lose weight, of people going, ‘You look so well,’ as if you looked awful before…

“Rewarding you for managing it, which is not easy, I accept that. But I didn’t want people to give me approval. It’s so patronising.”

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