Priya Sharma and Elliot Chapman's survival bootcamp weekend is the talk of the village but at the last minute, their original site falls through and Kim Tate saves the day when she offers them some of her land.
But Will Taylor is on edge and admits to Kim that the site in question is where DI Malone's body is buried.
How will Kim react to Will's confession?

Meanwhile the custody battle for Millie Tate rages on as Kim and Andrea Tate continue to go head to head. Later, Gabby Thomas is shocked to learn that Kim wants to gain custody of her own unborn baby.
Meena Jutla is determined to get Victoria Sugden out of the picture and warns her that David Metcalfe doesn't want anything to do with, but during a quiet moment at the survival weekend David lets Victoria know how he really feels.
Rishi Sharma gets a tattoo in tribute to Manpreet Sharma and Charles Anderson and Amelia grow closer.
CHECK OUT: Emmerdale Monday 11 - Friday 15 October
Emmerdale Monday 11 - Friday 15 October

Priya and Elliot have been excitedly planning their survival team building weekend but at the last minute have to change location. Kim agrees to let them use the site where DI Malone is buried as their base camp but notices Will is on edge.

Fearing discovery, Will tells Kim about Malone's murder and explains where he is buried. He leaves while a shocked Kim digests the news. She later pays a visit to Woodbine to let Will know her decision...

Victoria is suspicious when Meena tells her that David wants her to stay away. Breaking into Farrers, Victoria wants to do some digging but soon Meena and David arrive home and Victoria is foiled, leaving David furious.

The survival weekend is the talk of the village and despite the problems she's facing, Andrea suggest to Charles that they join in to distract them from Kim's custody battle of Millie.

Elsewhere Manpreet is horrified when Rishi comes home and shows her a tattoo he's had in tribute to her. Manpreet tells Rishi she's no longer in love with him, and later Rishi accuses Charles of 'stealing' her from him.

It's the weekend of the survival weekend and despite his outburst at Farrers, David spots a chance for a quiet moment with Victoria and declares his love for her, not realising that a vengeful Meena has overheard the whole thing.

Gabby is horrified when she overhears Kim having a heated call with her lawyer, demanding he get her custody of Gabby's unborn baby, no matter at what cost.

Gabby confides in Diane and they make a plan to flee to Portugal, but Bernice is in shock. Later Bernice admits she's willing to join them but Gabby reminds her it's imperative Kim doesn't find out about their plan.
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But first, here's everything coming up on Emmerdale this week...
Charles Anderson has been feeling agitated as he's bombarded by texts and calls from a mystery harasser.
But when he agrees to meet with them at a secluded spot in the woods, it's clear things are about to change for him and Ethan forever.
Elsewhere, Meena Jutla gets her claws even deeper in David Metcalfe when she appoints herself as his nurse after he injures himself. With control over David's medication, what will she do?

Coronation Street: Kevin Webster's scary run-in with Abi Franklin's dodgy past
EastEnders spoilers: Honey Mitchell exposes Suki Panesar's secret
Chas Dingle is still not convinced by Al Chapman's offer on the pub, despite Paddy Kirk trying his hardest to get her to accept.
When Chas agrees to a third - rather than the original half - investment, is Paddy's secret in danger of being exposed?
Bob Hope and Marlon Dingle's friendship is well and truly over when Marlon lays into Bob in the street and Tracy Metcalfe is relieved after her first group counselling session.
Faith Dingle self medicates with alcohol and Rodney Blackstock hasn't given up on Diane Sugden.