As his treachery is revealed, the schemer finds himself public enemy number one!
When Max’s twisted revenge plan comes to light, his family, friends and neighbours are up in arms!

Lauren, Abi, Ian, the Carters and Carmel are just a few of the people stunned to discover just how warped Max has been plotting with the Willmott-Browns.

Not only has the ginger scammer been scheming to buy up all the properties in Walford, including the Vic, but he’s seduced Carmel with a faux-romance to wheedle his way in with the council, landed Ben in hospital through his liaison with Luke and persuaded his “mate” Ian to part with his beloved chippie!

And let’s not forget he’s also responsible for the death of Steven Beale and for putting the frighteners on Ian’s wife Jane causing her to flee Albert Square.
It’s quite a hefty list of crimes wouldn’t you say! And all because he wanted revenge on those who had let him rot in jail for Lucy Beale’s murder which he never committed.
Next week it’s all kicks off as his full revenge plan is revealed in all it's murky glory and everyone he’s betrayed is hungry for answers from the scheming scoundrel.

Mick and Linda square up to him and demand to know how he could ever have stooped so low as to steal the Vic from under their noses, meanwhile Phil is raging when he visits Ben in hospital and learns it was Max’s conniving chum Luke who put his son there.

Meanwhile daughters Lauren and Abi are plunged into turmoil when they learn what their dad has done. Are they about to cut off all ties with daddy dearest?
As everyone turns their backs on Max the enemies he’s made are gunning for him. What is going to unfold next and is Max about to find himself in the firing line?
What do you think is going to happen to Max? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter
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