BABY HEARTBREAK for Kim in EastEnders


by Tess Lamacraft |
Updated on

The excited mum is devastated when she suffers a miscarriage

The formidable Kim has only recently discovered she was pregnant, (after initially mistaking her morning sickness for food-poisoning) ….however there’s heartbreak in store when she sadly suffers a miscarriage.

A worried Kim confides in Sonia ©BBC

Next week sees Kim sent into a panic as she experiences some bleeding and when she confides in nurse Sonia, her mate fears the worst and begs her to get herself checked out.

Nurse Sonia urges Kim, mum to Pearl, to go to the doctors ©BBC

At first Kim tries to convince herself that nothing is wrong but later on and with Sonia’s words echoing round her head, she decides to see a doctor and is devastated when it’s confirmed that she’s lost her baby.

Kim's worst fears are confirmed....she's lost her baby ©BBC

A heart-broken Kim, who was so excited by the prospect of a brother or sister for her daughter Pearl she started a vlog about her pregnancy, is utterly distraught.

She braces herself to share the news with her other half Vincent but as he tries to comfort her, poor Kim is inconsolable.

Heart-broken Kim tells Vincent she's had a miscarriage ©BBC

Hubby Vincent is clearly devastated by the loss, despite having had major reservations about the prospect of a new additional little Fox.

Will he be able to support Kim through her heartache? Or is he currently too preoccupied with the dodgy dealings he’s setting up with newcomer Aidan?

Poor Kim…..we hope Denise will be on hand with some sisterly support…

How do you think Kim will get through this? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter


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