Sam Taylor: the dumped Love Island star’s age, job and Instagram

Sam was the first Love Island 2024 contestant to be dumped from the villa

Sam Taylor

by Sarah O'Byrne |
Updated on

We’re only a week into the latest series of Love Island and bosses have already wielded the axe, with hunky hair stylist Sam Taylor dumped from the villa after celebrity bombshell Joey Essex chose to couple up with Samantha Kenny.

It was one of the fastest dumpings in Love Island history and, frankly, we’re not very happy about it as we would have loved more of Sam on our screens.

It sounds like the Love Island 2024 star isn’t holding a grudge though as he’s admitted there’s “no hard feelings” towards Joey.

Sam Taylor
Sam was a Love Island 2024 OG ©ITV Pictures

“It was so nice to meet him, he’s such a big character, it was great getting to know him,” Sam said after leaving the villa.

“Ultimately, he had to do what he had to do which didn’t work in my favour but no hard feelings.”

Sam Taylor
Sam was dumped from the villa on day two ©ITV Pictures

After he was sent packing from the villa, here’s everything you need to know about the first dumped Islander of 2024…

Who is Sam Taylor?

Sam was one of the first 12 contestants to enter the Love Island 2024 villa.

What is Sam Taylor's job?

Before entering the villa, Sam worked as a hair stylist. He admitted that his job might be his secret "advantage" as he can get to know the girls why doing their hair, but sadly he didn't get much time in the villa to do that.

How old is Sam Taylor?

Sam is 23 years old.

Sam Taylor
Sam is one of the Love Island 2024 OGs ©ITV

Where is Sam Taylor from?

Sam is from Chesterfield.

When was Sam Taylor dumped from Love Island?

Sam entered the villa on day one and coupled up with Samantha when they were both put in fifth place in the boyfriend and girlfriend material rankings, but they failed to spark a connection. Samantha was stolen by Joey Essex the day after he entered the villa, which means that Sam was dumped on day two.

Does Sam Taylor have an Instagram account?

He does, you can follow him at @samtaylorhair now that he's back in control of his account.

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Sarah O'Byrne has been writing for Closer since the summer of 2023, but has been watching Love Island since day one so she considers herself something of an expert.

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