EXCLUSIVE Love Island’s Mitch Taylor reveals details of cast’s weekly day off

Apparently Love Island 2023 icon Messy Mitch doesn't do days off

Mitch Taylor Love Island angry

by Ben Pulsford |
Updated on

Love him or hate him, Love Island 2023 OG Mitchel Taylor will go down in Love Island history – actually, reality television history. Yep, regardless of the majority of his messy af actions, we wanted to watch Messy Mitch on our screens night after night; mainly because we could never predict his next move.

Despite his wild behaviour and endlessly contradictory actions, Mitch left the villa in fifth place hand-in-hand with bombshell Ella Barnes, and after inviting them both to our studio in London, we can confirm they are still together and thriving as a couple on the outside.

Wait, is messy the answer?

Mitch Taylor wearing sunglasses outside shirtless
Mitch Taylor <meta charset="utf-8">(©ITV Plc) ©©ITV Plc

While filming an episode of Closer's Love Island Secrets, the couple spilled some major tea on their series. Not only did they reveal that there WAS, in fact, a secret sex code amongst the Islanders (that apparently we never picked up on), AND a major unaired argument, but Mitch lifted the lid on what he really hated about villa life.

And considering Kady McDermott has declared Mitch a game-playing Love Island super-fan, we have to say, we were interested to hear what Mitch could possibly hate about being on Love Island.

Well, apparently Messy Mitch, the alleged lover of Love Island, "hated off-days" (all Islanders get one day off a week from filming, hence Unseen Bits on a Saturday night). Is it wrong that we kind of love that Mitch hated the hours his messy behaviour wasn't being filmed for our entertainment?

Mitch looking shocked
Mitch (©ITV Plc) ©©ITV Plc

Mitch exclusively told Closer what goes down on off-days, "So, you wake up in the morning... well, you wake up in the afternoon, straight away you get lunch, I think you do a couple of hours of filming. You film all the time, even on your off-days, and after that we'd get, like a McDonald's or a pizza, and then we'd go to bed super early.

He then admitted, "I personally hated off-days.

"You've got to bear in mind there's a lot of people working in the gallery to make this work. Sundays are their early nights; they go to bed at 10pm, so we go to bed at 10pm, but our sleeping pattern is 4am, so we're sat twiddling our thumbs for like two or three hours."

Mitch and Ella finished in fifth place <meta charset="utf-8">(©ITV Plc)

Ella added, "I remember on one of the off-days we went to be bed early, but there was a cricket stuck in the room and it was making noise all night. And obviously on your off-day you're just trying to get an early night and I just remember it kept us up all night."

We can't help but wonder whether that cricket hung around for Mitch's Grafties acceptance speech. We could've sworn we heard it...

WATCH: Love Island's Kady and Ouzy on Casa Amor rows, getting in trouble and banned villa items

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