20 things you can do to get to know your other half better


by Emma Dodds |
Published on

A study has revealed the top 20 activities you can do with your partner to get to know them better.

The research, undertaken by Hasbro Gaming, polled 2,000 Brits to see what they have done with their partner to understand them more.

Apparently, two in five people believe you can discover more about someone's personality by playing a game.

It also emerged that 20% of people think you only know who your partner really is after spending your first year together - with one in seven thinking it's actually after five years.

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According to the research, a third of people made more effort with their appearance to try and impress the other person in the early days, and a quarter of people think they were more forgiving when the relationship was first blossoming.

Only half of people thought their partner was completely open with them, and over one in 10 people think they still have a lot to learn.

Three in 10 even admitted to keeping certain parts of their personality a secret.

Shockingly, a whopping seven in 10 people actively dislike something about their partner's personality, with one in five people believing that it's only revealed when you actually start living with someone.

The top 20 activities you can do to get to know your partner better


The top 20 activities you can do to get to know your partner better

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1 - Go on holiday together2 - Cook a meal together3 - Go on a day trip together4 - Meet their friends

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5 - Meet their parents6 - Play a game together7 - Watch a film together8 - Move in together

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9 - Spend Christmas together10 - Listen to music together11 - Visit each other's home towns12 - Go for a drive together

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13 - Do DIY together14 - Buy a home together15 - Have an argument16 - Start a family together

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17 - Play a competitive sport together18 - Take a dance class together19 - Go to the gym together20 - Buy a car together

**What did YOU do to get to know your partner better? Let us know over on **Facebook and Twitter.


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