Forget GPs – Brits turn to mum when they’re feeling ill…

ill woman

by Emma Dodds |
Published on

A study has found that most Brits would prefer to ask their mum about home remedies when they're feeling ill than visit their doctor.

The research, conducted by Future You, discovered that most people are more likely to take a recommendation for a home remedy from their mum than visit a doctor.

According to the study, three in five people swear by a hot glass of honey and lemon to beat a croaky throat, and 17% turn to citrus fruit to reduce symptoms when suffering from a fever.

But the study also found that most Brits are now shunning GP appointments in favour of self-diagnosis, using the internet as a research tool.

Three quarters of Brits claim to have cured an ailment or illness after Googling the symptoms on the internet, and seven in 10 people now treat minor health issues rather than try and secure an appointment with their local GP.

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It turns out that when coming down with something, two in five people would prefer to treat the symptoms ourselves or wait for the problem to resolve itself rather than visit our GP.

A further 78% are unlikely to contact their doctor if they develop a cold, and a quarter of people suffering from conjunctivitis would rather wait for it to clear up on its own.

This means that people in general end up only actually visiting their doctor twice a year.

Wait - isn't that a good thing?

Apparently, the average adult now believes they can get over two thirds of all bugs, viruses and illnesses without professional medical attention.

Two thirds are certain they could cure themselves of a troubling cough with what they've got at home, and 64% can combat a sore throat.

GALLERY: The top 7 tips for healthy skin in winter


Abigail James' top 7 tips for healthy skin in winter (slider)

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CREDIT: Shutterstock


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1. Say goodbye to unnecessary chemicals

"Some fragrances and colours are skin irritants and have no actual benefits for the skin - they simply look and smell nice. "According to the research almost two thirds of British women are concerned about the chemicals in their personal care products so my advice would be to avoid unnecessary chemical ingredients and look for shower gels and deodorants that are kinder to skin - such as the Sanex Zero% range which is formulated with 0% colourants, 0% soap and 0% parabens."

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2. Avoid low fat diets

"When it comes to holistic health, achieving a healthy balance is really important. Choose healthy fats for healthy cell function – this can be added into your diet through foods such as avocadoes, fish, nuts and seeds and plant oils such as flax and hemp. "Another tip is to ditch the processed margarines. If you're going to have butter then make it organic natural butter which has less synthetic ingredients."

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CREDIT: Getty Images

3. Try light exercise

"Getting up and moving daily will boost circulation, and getting your muscles moving will increase your levels of 'happy' hormones or endorphins and blood flow. This in turn will give your skin a lovely healthy glow. "It doesn't matter whether it's a light stroll or training at the gym, as long as you're moving your skin will feel the benefits."

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CREDIT: Getty Images

4. Get an early night

"Lack of sleep increases the visible appearance of ageing, such as dark circles caused by sluggish circulation."With that in mind say goodbye to your phone or tablet at least an hour before going to bed and try to get a good night's sleep – your skin will thank you for it."

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5. Reduce sugar intake

"A high intake of sugar can cause an inflammatory reaction within the skin resulting in a whole host of skin conditions, from acne and rosacea to premature ageing and dry skin. "A little treat every now and then won't hurt, but try to keep an eye on your sugar levels if you're looking to keep skin healthy."

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6. Curb the caffeine

"Too much coffee or caffeinated drinks can put extra stress on the liver and digestive system which impacts your body's natural detoxification process. "This build-up of toxins can have a negative effect on the health of your skin causing issues such as dry skin, redness and sensitivity."

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CREDIT: Getty Images

7. Skincare shouldn't stop at your face

"There can often be a temptation to focus on the health of the skin on our faces but we must remember that the whole body is covered in skin which is the largest organ of your body – so we need to make sure we are giving it the care it deserves."Our skin absorbs a percentage of the products we apply, so choose products that are gentle on skin with natural moisturisers."

More than seven in 10 people reckon that a drastic change of diet helped to improve their general health,

However, when it comes to chest pains and anything heart-related - that's when we get the professionals in.

Only 4% of the people surveyed felt that they could confidently identify the cause of a sore chest, and nine in 10 don't think that they could sort out a chest infection without specialist advice.

**Would you rather self-diagnose than visit a GP? Let us know over on **Facebook and Twitter.


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