20 things we ALL put off till the last minute

angry woman

by Emma Dodds |
Updated on

A study has found the top 20 things that Brits tend to put off until they absolutely have to.

In news which will hardly be a surprise, research has shown that one in five British people has admitted they put off dealing with their problems until it's too late.

Come on people, hands up who else can TOTALLY relate to this.

Yep, instead of actually doing something about a problem, it turns out that 44% of people stick their head in the sand until it's almost too late to resolve.

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The research, undertaken by ColdZyme Mouth Spray, found that we ignore important issues 36 times EVERY YEAR.

Of the 2,000 people surveyed, one in five people will postpone a task because they don't know what they're doing, whilst a third think they're simply too busy.

The 20 annoying issues that Brits put off


The 20 everyday jobs that Brits put off

woman fixing plug1 of 5
CREDIT: Getty Images

woman fixing plug

1 - Fixing items around the house2 - Cleaning the oven3 - Seeing a health professional about a health complaint / issue4 - Booking a dentist appointment

woman, scales2 of 5
CREDIT: Getty Images

woman, scales

5 - Losing weight6 - Getting an eye test7 - Confronting a friend or relative about an issue8 - Dealing with debt

woman bills3 of 5
CREDIT: Getty Images

woman bills

9 - Paying bills10 - Cutting the grass11 - Talking to a partner about a problem12 - Writing/changing a will

woman ill4 of 5
CREDIT: Getty Images

woman ill

13 - Trying to beat colds and bugs14 - Fixing a problem on the car15 - Changing jobs16 - Updating anti-virus software on the computer

sad woman man5 of 5
CREDIT: Getty Images

sad woman man

17 - Ending a relationship18 - Changing a lightbulb19 - Servicing the car20 - Addressing a problem with a colleague at work

**Do you agree with this list? Are you always putting things off until the last minute? Let us know over on **Facebook and Twitter.


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