Being a parent is a tough job (arguably the toughest) and because there's no handbooks people often have debates on their parenting style and technique.
We now have the answer to all your prayers because your star sign reveals ALL about what kind of parent you are and how you raise your children. So whether you're a gemini or a aquarius we've got all the answers on how you are (or will be) as a parent....
Check out: here's what your horoscope says about your parenting style
What your star sign says about your parenting style - stacked

Aquarius - The creative parent
You love nothing more than helping your kids come up with original ideas for their school projects, and are content spending afternoons at home making things.But, at the same time, you realise that time away from the kids is important.

Pisces - The push-over parent
Your kids know EXACTLY how to get round you, and you always find yourself giving in to another treat or just one more episode of their favourite TV show. You're the one they come to when they're upset – but don't be afraid to ask for help sometimes!

Aries - The trendy parent
Funny and adventurous – you're the parent all of their friends love. You don't mind so much when your kids say a bad word, so long as they don't make a habit of it. Being slightly impatient, you're not afraid to admit you and the children get on so much better now they're older.

Taurus - The responsible parent
You're cool under pressure, and your little ones know they can come to you whatever the problem. But you also have high hopes for them, which means you're the parent they really don't want to disappoint.

Gemini - The unpredictable parent
Absolutely nothing phases you. In fact, you're so prepared for anything, your fellow parents call you super mummy/daddy. Despite this, being a Gemini, the kids know you're always up for a practical joke…

Cancer - The emotional parent
For you, the worst thing in the world is being separated from your kids – even when they've flown the nest. You will do anything to protect them and, no matter how old they get, they'll always be your babies.

Leo - The pushy parent
There's no doubt about it: your kids are THE best. You want them to be smart and popular – there's no excuse for being a shrinking violet. You're the mum/dad who organises the best parties and you run all of the social groups.

Virgo - The overprotective parent
Perfection is key for you, and the worst thing would be seeing disappointment in your kids' faces. They're always dressed accordingly to the weather and you wouldn't dream of missing a doctor's appointment.

Libra - The zen parent
Your kids are best friends, because your cool, calm and collected nature means fights are diffused before they've even started. Shouting is a rarity in your home, but you have no problem holding down a punishment if needed.

Scorpio - The soccer mum/dad
Much like Leo parents you want your kids to be top of their game for everything. Whether that's ballet or football, swimming or horse-riding – your little ones represent the school in their chosen sport and you'll stop at nothing to keep them there.

Sagittarius - The ‘cool’ parent
Yes – you're the mum from Mean Girls. While your kids do actually want to talk to you about all the sensitive subjects, they sometimes wish you'd stop trying to become besties with their pals. Although, they LOVE that you're always up for a party.

Capricorn - The practical parent
Everything in your life, even down to the school run, is like a military operation. You're always on top of things and there's no chance of you being late – for anything. Because of this, your babies know you'll have the solution to any problem, big or small.
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In more parenting related news, Rochelle Humes has revealed how she managed the transition of bringing her adorable pooch into her family.
"Make sure you find the right breed and look into the right breed for yourself.
"I chose a cockapoo because they are so great with kids and such a good family dog," she exclusively told Closer.
She added, "Do your research. We looked into it for over a year, just to make sure we were doing the right thing.
"I would say though; I'm toilet training a puppy and a child at once so maybe that I didn't plan so well," she joked.