IT WAS ME! Emmerdale’s Moira makes her KILLER CONFESSION to Ross and Pete


by Tess Lamacraft |
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Ross and Pete are reeling when Moira confesses it was her who killed their mum!....

Ever since shoving Emma Barton to her death, new mum Moira has been racked with guilt and been struggling to keep her VERY big secret hidden!

So far the only people who know her killer secret are her ex- Cain and Adam, her son, who has done a very thorough vanishing act after taking the rap for his mum and then bolting from custody.

However, next week Moira finally cracks and in a moment of all-consuming guilt, blurts out to Ross that it was her who shunted her sister-in-law, Emma, from the viaduct and left her to die. Oh dear. He WASN’T expecting that.

The drama unfolds following news that the police have found a body they think could be Adam’s.

Moira is utterly beside herself, but when the cops get out some photos and gently insist they need her to identify what could be her son’s corpse, it’s Ross who suddenly becomes a tower of strength.

“It’s really traumatic”, says Natalie J Robb who plays Moira. “Ross is standing by Moira’s side and really helping her through it. He goes to make the ID, but Moira says she has to do it. She looks – and it’s not Adam!”

Ross and Pete are about to hear the terrible truth ©ITV

The overwhelmed mum breaks down with tears of relief that it’s not her beloved boy and once again it’s Ross who is her shoulder to cry on.

However her nephew’s kind and consoling words are just too much for Moira and realizing she can no longer live with the MASSIVE guilt she’s been carrying around, she cracks and blurts out to Ross it was her who killed Emma. GULP!

As we know, Ross isn’t the kind of guy to take any kind of shock news in his stride, letalone the tidings that his aunty was the one who bumped off his mum.

The raging Barton leaps at farmer Moira and soon has her pinned up against a wall just as his brother Pete walks in demanding to know what’s going on.

The boys are reeling following Moira's killer confession ©ITV

When Pete learns the awful truth he’s aghast.

Now they finally know it was Moira who bumped off their unhinged mum, what will the boys do?

Are they going to go straight to the police to fill them in with the latest facts, or will they decide to keep quiet….for now!

What do you think the Barton boys will do next? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter


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