ARRESTED? Is the game finally up for Corrie murderer Phelan?


by Tess Lamacraft |
Published on

The killer is reported for Luke’s murder and taken in for questioning….

It looks as if it could FINALLY be game over for killer Phelan next week when the police come knocking on his door.

The drama unfolds when Gary manages to track down Seb, desperate for him to testify at his mum Anna’s trial.

However it’s clear Seb is beyond terrified about what Phelan is capable of and tells Gary that it was the scary builder him who murdered mechanic Luke!

Coronation street
Gary tracks down a terrified seb who's worried he'll be Phelan's next victim ©ITV

A shocked Gary wastes no time in getting straight on the phone to the police, reporting Phelan for Luke’s murder.

Meanwhile, Eileen who is starting to have serious doubts about her hubby and was recently seen rooting through his tool box for a gun, (unsuccessfully), gets another call from Anna, pleading with her to come and visit her in prison again.

What will Anna, who’s about to begin her trial for the attempted murder of Seb,have to tell Phelan’s wavering wife this time?

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Anna's desperate for Eileen to see her killer husband's true colours ©iTV

When the police later rock up on Eileen and Phelan’s doorstep, all Eileen’s worst fears start flooding out. Is her husband really a murderer?

The cops set to work grilling the sly Scouser about his whereabouts on the day Luke was shot and later insist on taking him to the station for more questioning. Is time running out for Phelan?

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Phelan reassures Eileen and legal eagle Adam, he's got nothing to hide ©itv

Later on, and with his grilling over, a worried Eileen can’t help blurting out that she’s had her own suspicions about his behaviour and has secretly visited Anna in prison.

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Eileen can's shake the knawing doubts about her hubby ©itv

Uh oh. Suddenly Pat is a very angry man. With the net closing in and his own wife admitting her doubts about him, is he nearing the end of the line?

As fear and fury start to grip him, what will the cornered killer's next move be?

**How long do you think Phelan can hide his crimes for? Let us know on FacebookFacebook or [Twitter](****


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