Love Island: new boy Wil Anderson has a famous sibling – and he’s a baller

'It's time to put myself back out there'

Wil Anderson Love Island

by Millie Payne |
Updated on

This series of Love Island has been highly chaotic and addictive watching to say the least, and we're not even a fortnight in.

And producers have struck while the iron's hot, upping the ante by teasing the arrival of three new bombshells in last night's episode (13 June). The third male bombshell to arrive after TOWIE's Joey Essex and PE teacher Omar Nyame is Wil Anderson, who is confident that he'll bring a 'cheerful, cheeky, excitable vibe' to the villa.

Let's be frank: we all love sleuthing to see which islanders have links on the outside world, and we can confirm that Wil falls into this bracket. His brother is Elliot Anderson, who plays as a midfielder for Premier League side, Newcastle United and has already showed support for his sibling on social media. So, with that, here is everything you need to know about Wil Anderson.

Elliott Anderson
Wil's footballer brother Elliott ©Getty

Who is Wil Anderson?

Wil Anderson is a bombshell in the 2024 series of Love Island.

How old is Wil Anderson?

Wil is 23.

Where is Wil Anderson from?

Wil is from Newcastle seaside town, Whitley Bay.

What does Wil Anderson do?

Wil works as a quantity surveyor.

What has Wil Anderson said about Love Island?

Why Love Island and why now? Wil says, "I wanted to be single for the last year because I’ve been in two serious relationships from the age of 18 but now, I feel like it’s time to put myself back out there. I want to feel that love again."

Wil thinks he'll get on with all the lads and build good connections with the girls, listing his 6'4" frame, smile and personality as his "catch-worthy" credentials.

Wil Love Island
Wil joined Love Island 2024 on day 12 ©ITV

He says he's single because he chooses to be. "I could definitely be in a relationship if I wanted to be. I’m super picky but I don’t think that's a bad thing because it’s worth waiting to get exactly what it is you are looking for," he says.

His family and friends would describe him as "fun, loves a party, strong, loyal, respectful and honest" and Wil himself is looking for, "a pretty smile, a good personality and would like someone who is down to earth and humble".

Elsewhere, he describes himself as a "decent chef" and says Rihanna would be his dream celeb islander, as she was his childhood crush.

Does Wil Anderson have Instagram?

He sure does and has just shy of 6,000 followers to date. You can follow him @wilandersonn.

Millie Payne is a News and Entertainment Writer for heat. She has specialised in showbiz interviews, features, articles and roundups for over three years and loves combining her love for writing, talking and all things popular culture.

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