Someone needs to check on the Love Island bosses and make sure all that power hasn't gone to their heads.
We can't do it here at Closer HQ, we rely on them too much for iconic content; imagine if we got on their bad side and could no longer write about TOWIE, Love Island or RHOCheshire. Our world would stop spinning.

We only say this because it seems that a few of the items on the dreaded 'banned' list for Islanders to take into the villa are a tad, well, unnecessary.
There, we said it.
It also turns out that it doesn't matter if you're a newbie Love Island contestant or an All Star, the rules are the same, so if you thought these returning romantics were given special treatment you have been sorely mistaken.
Just ask Hannah Elizabeth...

We recently caught up with the Liverpudlian OG and her Brummie bestie, Liberty Poole, after they were dumped from the villa and Hannah dished the dirt on what surprising item she was forbidden from taking with her into the South African villa.
There are a few aspects to the dating show that we totally understand; no branded clothing is allowed in (we assume it's some sort of advertising/legal thing we honestly can't be bothered to investigate), chat has to be out in the open so we can all enjoy the goss and ofc, no fighting or bullying etc.

There are also a few rules that make us pull a face of confusion and shock that would one hundred percent be turned into a meme if we were famous.
No chewing gum is allowed and certain cheeses are veteod, much to the dismay of Antigoni Buxton, also no photos of friends and family members and that includes cute snaps of your kids.
We told you they could be harsh.
During our chat, Liberty admitted that there was a limited number of razors she could pack which led Hannah to reveal what she was banned from taking in...
"I wanted to take photos of my son in and I wasn't allowed."
Cue everyone is the studio putting ITV on their hit list.
In the words of Taylor Swift, "Someday, I'll be living in a big ole city, And all you're ever gonna be is mean."
Because what the hell, ITV? Not even one little passport size pic of Reggie? Not cool.
Luckily, Hannah has now been reunited with her son and has already taken to social media to share an adorbs photo of her and her boy holding hands.