She’s been loved up with boyfriend and TOWIE star Jordan Brook for over six months, after years of being single and vowing to find Mr Right. And Sophie Kasaei, who rose to fame in Geordie Shore, believes she’s finally found the love of her life after confirming the pair are still enjoying their “honeymoon phase”.
“I’ve never experienced anything like this. Jordan and I have so much love and passion,” the 33-year-old tells Closer. “I just want to rip his clothes off every second of the day, I fancy him so much. After all those years of being single, I’ve found the best soul I’ve ever met. I know there’s stigma around these Essex boys, but Jordan’s different and has a good heart. I know for sure he is The One, and that I’m going to marry him and have his babies.”
And Sophie doesn’t hold back, revealing, “When I first met Jordan, my girls said, ‘Do not sleep with him whatever you do, you don’t want him to get the wrong impression of you and not come back.’ But I’ll be honest, I couldn’t wait to get his clothes off. We went home and had fun, and he’s still around. There shouldn’t be a stigma of sleeping with someone on the first date. If you’re attracted to that person, so be it.”
While Sophie is based back in her native Newcastle, and Jordan in Essex, she admits the distance only serves to heighten the sexual tension between them after spending four days apart. “When I drive down to Essex, I’ve taken my PH balance tablets, the vagina has been shaved to perfection and it smells amazing for him. I’ll have sexy old school R&B tunes on in the car and as soon as I’m there, the clothes come off and the fireworks start. Once we’ve done it, we can crack on with the rest of the time we have together!”
And when it comes to maintaining a healthy sex life, Sophie believes regular communication is key. She says, “I’m a grown woman now and I know exactly what I want. I’m very open with Jordan. If I’ve got the horn and I’m up for it, I’ll make it clear. In the past some of my friends have slept with boys and not enjoyed it and that shouldn’t be happening. You shouldn’t just sleep with a boy for them to have an orgasm and then it’s over. You’re there to be pleasured as well and it takes two!”
She adds, “I do say to Jordan, ‘I hope this intimacy lasts as we get older’. When you’re not having that intimacy that’s when things start to go wrong. Sex is very important. It helps you feel closer to your partner and it keeps that connection going. You should discuss how you feel about it, what positions you like and how you like to be pleasured.”
Meanwhile, last year Sophie underwent a breast reduction from an E to a C, a reverse tummy tuck and corrective work to her Brazilian Butt Lift procedure, in a bid to remedy her previous botched operations. She spent years hiding her body after crash dieting left her with saggy skin, telling Closer she felt like a “big bag of foreskin”. But Sophie says Jordan regularly boosts her confidence.
“If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that men don’t care about the way you look. They’re not bothered if you have a stretch mark, cellulite, or even if you’re on top with a roly bit…they just want the vagina! We put so much pressure on ourselves and think we need to look like a porn star in bed, but we don’t at all! Don’t get me wrong, there have been times I’ve had sex with the lights off because I didn’t feel confident before surgery, but underneath it all we need to trust that our men fancy us and love us!”

She adds, “Jordan will tell me I look beautiful, but I’ve got a habit of saying, ‘No I don’t, I look awful’, so I need to learn to accept myself a bit more. I’ll always think of myself as a big girl inside because I’m a foodie, but Jordan is always complimentary.”
And while rumours have been swirling over whether Sophie will join the cast of TOWIE in the show’s first “cross-over”, she jokes there’s more chance of Jordan joining Geordie Shore. She adds, “I’ve got to concentrate on Geordie Shore because that’s my bread and butter, but if there’s an opportunity to go on TOWIE, obviously I’d take it. Hopefully one day Jordan will come on Geordie Shore. He’d be well suited to it. He’s wild, he looks the part, he’s one of the lads, and is a good drinker!”