Most celebs seem to communicate via inspirational quotes on Instagram these days, and Katie is no different
Last week, she posted ten separate images of quotes all about forgiveness, prompting fans to believe she had ended her five-year feud with ex-best friend Jane Pountney.
The pair fell out in 2014, when it was revealed that she’d had an affair with Kieran, while Katie was pregnant with Bunny.
Jane was also married at the time.
Katie caught Jane with Kieran while they were all on holiday together, and Katie even claims she knocked Jane’s tooth out during the confrontation.
CHECK OUT from fresh-faced teen to today - Katie Price's plastic surgery timeline
CLOSER ONLINE Katie Price plastic surgery timeline

Swipe through to have a look back at all the plastic surgery Katie Price has had...

Katie Price pre-surgery
Here's a fresh faced Katie Price at 17-years-old pre-surgery.

Katie Price after her first boob job
The reality star admitted she got her first boob job when she was just 18-years-old.

Katie Price with Hugh Hefner
The former glamour model has previously admitted she had threesomes in the playboy mansion.

Katie Price's boobs on I'm A Celebrity
Throwback to Katie's stint in the jungle where she infamously fell in love with ex-husband Peter Andre. As you can see her boobs are pretty big...

Katie Price's platinum blonde hair
Okay so it's not plastic surgery but we'll NEVER forget Katie's platinum blonde hair.

Katie Price's brunette locks
And her brunette shiny locks.

Katie Price's nose job
[Katie spoke out and admitted she had work done on her nose]( At the time she said: "I've always had a thing about my nose. I haven't had a full 100% nose job - they shaved the bone, they didn't break my nose."In fact, I liked my nose before and now. If I had a cupboard with both noses, I would alternate between them!"

Katie Price's £10k body transformation
Back in June 2012, Closer revealed that Katie had a £10k body transformation which included body-contouring treatment, lip fillers, cheek fillers and a sixth boob job, taking her to an F-cup.

Katie Price's new boobs for Christmas
Katie revealed her plans to get a boob job for Christmas. After welcoming Jett and Bunny into the world, she said: "I've had two babies very quickly so they're saggy."I know I look ridiculous but that's what people want to see. I'd just had them done before I met Kieran so I'm having a service."

Katie Price plastic surgery
Shortly after, the star confirmed she had undergone another boob job.

Katie Price goes au naturale
It came to light that Katie reduced her boobs by five sizes, with a source telling the Mirror: "For a long time Katie has felt like she was more recognisable for her breasts than anything else but she wants to shake that image off a little."She's also a serious businesswoman and entrepreneur. She felt the boobs were holding her back a bit from that image."

Katie Price plastic surgery
In 2015, Katie had to undergo emergency surgery to remove an infected implant - and it was then that she fell in love with her 32B breasts.Opening up to The Sun, she admitted: "I actually feel a lot more confident without my implants."I've grown up a lot and I'm in a different place now than I was ten years ago and it's nice to be natural."

Katie Price plastic surgery
After having botox, Katie shared a photo on Twitter of her fresh face.

Katie Price gets botox

Katie Price gets her boobs reduced
Katie hinted on Instagram that she had a boob reduction.

Katie Price plastic surgery
She later went on to confirm her results and thanked her surgeon on social media you know, as you do.

Katie Price shows off her new boobs
On Loose Women, Katie unveiled the results of her latest plastic surgery procedures which included a boob job and facial fillers (which were taken from her belly fat). Speaking out about it, she said: "I've had good luck with my boobs now, they're now finally, after a year of one of them not repairing, done."I'm in love with them, the best boobs ever."

Katie Price plastic surgery
Katie announced she had 11 boob jobs in 2016 alone! Yup.During an episode of her TV show Katie Price's Pony Club, she explained: "I'm having surgery because I want my boobs to look good for this polo event. I haven't actually had them done that many times but this past year, eleven times."

Has Katie Price had a tummy tuck?
There was some speculation that Katie had a tummy tuck after clinical director - Mark Norfolk - at Transform Cosmetic Group, told new! magazine: "I would say Katie has had a tummy tuck and may even have had more than one."She's always maintained her washboard stomach in between having children, which leads me to this suspicion."She has an unbelievably flat stomach for someone who has had five children."

Katie Price gets surgery on her eye
Katie got laser eye surgery back in 2016.

Katie Price gets THREE procedures in one day
In December 2016, Katie got three cosmetic procedures in one day; a non-surgical treatment on her bum, treatment on her stomach and thighs and a procedure to tighten the muscles in her face and neck. She even let her son Harvey Price have a treatment which she claimed will help with his spots and acne scarring.

Katie Price plastic surgery
The TV star showed off her "peachy" bum on Instagram after she had a non surgical bum lift.

Katie Price accused of being on drugs
Fans accused Katie of being on drugs after she shared a bizarre video about her facelift on Instagram.

Katie Price plastic surgery
On Loose Women, Katie revealed her son Junior branded her fake following all of her latest plastic surgery.

Katie Price plastic surgery
There was speculation that Katie would get another boob job. During an interview with The Sun, she said: "They're so big at the moment, I might go smaller."

Katie Price hits out at her surgeon
After publicly slamming her surgeon for leaving her face "f—red up", Katie's agent spoke out and revealed the reality star's confidence had a set back following her latest procedure.
Katie Price shows off her new facelift
In March 2018 Katie finally shared photos of herself on Instagram and unveiled her new face after having a facelift.
Katie Price's lover makes her eat dinner in underwear after fat-shaming her
The quotes included lines such as, “Forgiving them isn’t the hard part, it’s trusting them again”, and, “A relationship can never ‘go back’ to the way it was… nor should it, since the affair grew out of ‘the way it was’. But it can go forward into a much deeper, committed and fuller love than before.”
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Katie also wrote, “I did something so amazing that needed strength courage and something I never thought I’d ever do last night so proud of myself.”
And, next to a post about forgiveness and trust, she wrote, “Something I’m going to work on with her.”
So, is Katie simply in a forgiving mood – or could this be a plot to generate publicity, and in turn, money?
The news comes after it was revealed that Katie will have to pay a minimum of £12,000 a month in order to avoid bankruptcy. The payments will increase over the next five years, and it’s also alleged that if she is unable to meet them, her house will be auctioned to cover the costs.
Read even more in this week's heat - out now.