Pregnant Binky Felstead is certainly keeping us well and truly up to date with her life at the moment.
And we LOVE it.
Ever since finding out about Binky's pregnancy back in January this year, we have been hungry for every detail about her journey. Fortunately for us, she has willingly obliged via her various social media channels - and in particular, Instagram.
But we've been most keen to find out whether Binky is getting back together with her babydaddy and Made In Chelsea co-star Josh "JP" Patterson.

After recently telling heat that she and JP would "never get back together just because there's a baby involved," she has today uploaded a RATHER steamy pic of the two of them in bed.
Check it out.

In the interview, she went on to say: "But I will say that where we are now is the happiest we’ve been in a very long time. I feel like things are going in the right direction, which is really exciting."
So we're guessing that it's going really quite well then, Binky?!
Binky, who has confirmed she will NOT be giving birth on Made In Chelsea, wrote alongside the pic: "Happy Valentine's Day to this gorgeous baby daddy to be. Count myself very lucky to have you in my life ❤️"
EEK. Does this mean the two lovebirds will FINALLY get back together?? Looks like it to us!
Watch this space...
But that's not the only intimate thing Binky has uploaded over the last couple of days.
Although this second post is intimate in a slightly different way.
She's let us in on a super cute family moment - her mum has passed down a precious family heirloom to her.

The ring Binky is wearing is an eternity ring gifted to her mum Jane by her late father when she was pregnant with Binky.
And now Mummy Felstead, who was actually the one to tell JP he was going to be a father, has passed it down to Binks, as she is expecting her own bundle of joy.
Sharing a pic of the unusual zig-zag ring, the Made In Chelsea star, who admitted that she burst into tears when she found out she was pregnant, captioned the photo: "This is the eternity ring my late father gave my mother when she was expecting me! FINALLY I've been allowed have it. So sentimental ... puts a big smile on my face every time I look at it. X"
Is it making you well up?! Pass the tissues, someone.
Do YOU think Binky and JP should get back together? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter.
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This is what Binky Felstead's mum thinks about her daughter's pregnancy
Binky Felstead reveals what's driving her MAD during her pregnancy