The best vitamins to help grow your hair

Thick and luscious locks, incoming 📣

The best hair growth vitamins

by Eden-Olivia Lord |
Updated on

If you've decided to cut your hair and are now crying in the mirror about it, (don't worry, we've all been there) we just might have your saviour - hair vitamins.

We know, we know, we often see celebs flogging them on Instagram, but then still wearing hair extensions, but some of them actually do help grow and strengthen your locks.

So whether you're suffering from hair loss, have decided to shave your head and now regret it, or you just simply want your hair to grow long and are struggling, here are the best vitamins to help grow your natural hair...

Check out: the best vitamins to grow your hair


The best hair vitamins

BEAUTY Drinkable Vitamins1 of 13
CREDIT: Pink Cloud Beauty

Pink Cloud Beauty Drinkable Vitamins

If poppin' tablets isn't your thing, you'll love these drinkable vitamins by Pink Cloud Beauty. They taste like actual pink lemonade and are the ultimate all-rounder for gorgeous hair, skin and nails. It's packed full of Biotin for Disney Princess hair.

Hairburst Biotin Chewable Hair Vitamins2 of 13
CREDIT: Amazon

Hairburst Biotin Chewable Hair Vitamins

Katie Price, Lydia Bright and Gemma Collins have all used this product and if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for us. These vitamins are available in strawberry and blackcurrant flavour (so they taste delicious), but they also accelerate your hair growth, improve hair elasticity and leave your hair with less breakage.

SugarBearHair Vitamins3 of 13
CREDIT: Amazon

SugarBearHair Vitamins

These are the hair vitamins that the Kardashians/Jenners use so surely it's good? Not only do these vitamins help your hair grow longer and stronger, but they also nourish your locks from within. Plus they're vegetarian-friendly and cruelty-free.

Rebrow Brow Vitamins4 of 13

Rebrow Brow Vitamins

Always wondered how to get your brows healthy and on point? Rebrow has formulated the perfect brow vitamin gummies which are vegetarian and cruelty free. Designed to regenerate and grow brow hairs from within, these deliciously tasty daily treats contain a combination of powerful Vitamins, Zinc and Biotin that work together to provide full brow restoration.



Australian company JS Health has nailed the concept of nourishing the body from within through its solution-focused formulas. The Hair and Energy vitamins in particular (which includes 60 capsules) promote hair strength, growth and volume. The vitamins also support energy levels. All vitamins are free from harmful fillers, binders, colours and preservatives.

The Beauty Formula6 of 13
CREDIT: Potion London

The Beauty Formula

These tablets have a formula that contains a balance of nineteen vitamins and minerals, developed specifically to help promote healthy hair, skin and nails. Magic? Yes. Science? Also yes.

LQ Collagen Skin Hair Nails Max 10 x 50ml Bottles7 of 13

LQ Collagen Skin Hair Nails Max 10 x 50ml Bottles

These passion fruit flavoured collagen shots contain marine collagen, vitamins C and E, biotin, selenium, hyaluronic acid, resveratrol from grape seed extract and glucosamine. Take one per day and after a couple of months, you'll find that not only is your hair is healthier, but your nails will be stronger and your skin will be glowing, too.

Nourished Vitamins The Inner Beauty Stack8 of 13

Nourished Vitamins The Inner Beauty Stack

Nourished creates stacks of gummy vitamins for all sorts of lifestyle needs, including hair, skin and nails that are in need of a bit of TLC. The Inner Beauty blend is packed with a powerful combination of nutrients for healthy hair growth, including vitamin E, silica and selenium.

GrowPro Hair Growth Supplements9 of 13
CREDIT: Amazon

GrowPro Hair Growth Supplements

These vitamins will help thinning hair become thick and full. Not only do they encourage hair growth, but will also help your nails get longer and stronger, too.

Biotin Hair Growth Supplement10 of 13

Biotin Hair Growth Supplement

These tablets do exactly what you want - strengthen your hair. And for less than £20 you can get an entire year's supply of hair vitamins.

Biotin Hair Growth Supplement11 of 13
CREDIT: Amazon

Biotin Hair Growth Supplement

These gummies have 100% vegan ingredients and include biotin, vitamin A and zinc which all help support your hair, skin and nails.

Feel Beauty Probiotic+12 of 13

Feel Beauty Probiotic+

If you want a supplement that does it all, then these are for you. The powerful formula helps with digestion, gut health, hair and nail growth. The combination of natural compounds and cutting-edge science will leave you with a stunning, glowing complexion.

Beauty Peak Hair13 of 13
CREDIT: Beauty Peak

Beauty Peak Hair Vitamins

Beauty Peak by Vitopia offers a natural hair loss solution for women, thanks to its clinically tested natural ingredients that help to improve hair growth and hair quality. It contains wonder ingredients including hyaluronic acid and BCAA 2:1:1, which help promote hair quality.

How long do beauty supplements take to work?

We spoke to Naturopathic Nutrition Coach, Jessica Shand, who works closely with Potion London, to find out more.

"You need to consistently take health supplements for a minimum of three months in order for them to make a difference. I strongly believe that if you consciously ensure you are eating nourishing whole foods, you will see better results from the supplements you’re taking."

Do they work in conjunction with topical treatments?

"Supplements can be taken as part of a healthy and balanced diet and in conjunction with topical treatments, for example facials, to ensure you are not only nourishing your skin on the outside but also from within."

Why would you need to take a beauty supplement?

Jessica explains, "A beauty supplement, for example the Potion London beauty supplements, are created to help target beauty concerns including skin and hair issues and support your immune system, naturally boost energy levels and make your gut happy. Supplements should not be taken as a replacement to a fresh whole foods, they are to be taken in addition to a healthy and balanced diet. How you nourish your body with the food you eat should always be your first priority, but I do believe that good quality health supplements are necessary for some people to boost their health in the specific areas they want to improve."

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Although we've seen lots of celebs promote the products above, the FDA does not regulate what these hair vitamin companies claim to do.

If you're not too keen on trying hair vitamins, then why not eat your way to healthier hair?

Expert Joanne Dodds at previously spoke to Closer and explained that eating healthier food can have an effect on your hair.

“Small changes to your diet could make a big difference to your hair and beauty regime and give you the look you’ve been wanting.

"Important vitamins and minerals can all be found in common foods that will make a big impact. In order to up your gloss game, make sure these root-boosting foods make their way on to your plate."

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