Emma Richardson

Emma Richardson is a beauty and fashion product writer at Bauer Media, writing shopping and trending content for Closer. Love Island season is one of her favourite times of the year, when she religiously watches the show to find the best outfits as worn by the girls, as well as budget friendly dupes.
After completing a three year bachelor’s degree in Media at York St John University, Emma decided to continue her studies at Nottingham Trent University, where she completed a master’s degree in Magazine Journalism. During this time, Emma was able to build upon her skills as a journalist through reporting, researching, interviewing and writing for numerous portfolio assessments.
Emma has also gained experience working with a number of digital and print publications, most notably Heat, Closer and BBC Good Food. Working as an intern at these brands, Emma collaborated with other editors and writers, gaining knowledge in lifestyle, beauty and fashion writing. She has been interested in writing this type of content for over two years now and is always on the lookout for new trends to hop on.
A self-proclaimed fashion addict, when she isn’t writing you can find her scouting out new wardrobe additions for her ever growing (and overflowing) clothing collection. Other hobbies include drinking overpriced coffee, spending an unhealthy amount of time on Pinterest (she posts frequently on the Closeronline Pinterest), and buying candles. Her current favourite high end candle dupe is Eau de Maison’s Lime, Basil and Mandarin candle that smells suspiciously like Jo Malone’s.
Follow her on Instagram @emmariichardson