Shoppers can’t get enough of the ‘life-changing’ Amazon sleep mask which is just £5

It's racked up over 7000 reviews 😱


by Aimee Jakes |
Updated on

From dousing our sheets withpillow sprayto drifting off to the Calm app, we take the whole sleep thing VERY SERIOUSLY.

Tbh, whether we've had 9 hours sleep or a big fat ZERO, we still feel tired. But that's another conversation for another day.

So imagine our excitement to hear of a viral sleeping product that costs just FIVE ENGLISH POUNDS.

Enter the bargain sleep mask which has amassed over 7000 reviews on Amazon for its utter brilliance.

Some have even labeled the mask, whispers, "life-changing".

Amazon's Gritin Sleep Maskensures total darkness, ensuring a deep and restful sleep,

It is essentially a black out blind, but for your eyes.

It's made from natural silk, to ensure it's ultra gentle on your skin and causes no skin creases.

One customer commented, "I am currently 24 weeks pregnant and struggling to sleep due to being generally uncomfortable but also the extremely light nights. I needed something to help and rather than investing in blackout blinds I decided to try a sleep mask.

After reading the reviews I went ahead and ordered this one. From the first night of using it my sleep has improved dramatically. I fall asleep within minutes of putting the mask on and sleep mostly undisturbed through the full night. The mask is soft and comfortable and fits well without slipping."

Another impressed shopper raved: "Living in the far north of Scotland we get very light nights throughout the summer, and even with blackout curtains the bedroom isn't very dark. The first night I used this mask I was amazed at what a massive difference it made.

I thought it might be annoying and uncomfortable but it wasn't; it's very soft and has an adjustable strap. I don't wake up at 4am now. It's surprising just how much light gets in through your closed eyelids, but this mask cuts it out completely and sleeping in pitch darkness is great. I've only had this thing for a few days and I know already I can't do without it!"

Brb, off to buy ten.

The mask even comes with ear plugs and a cute bag. What a treat!

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Easy ways to improve your sleep:

No screens before bed

Yes, we know this is really hard (especially when TikTok's around) but at least try to go 15 to 30 minutes screen free before you go to sleep.

Eat early

Eating just before you go to sleep is a recipe for a bad night's kip. If you go to bed at 11pm, try eating before 7pm so your body has some time to digest your dinner before it shuts down for bedtime.

Set the mood

Now's the time to break out that fancy candle you've been saving, turn the lights down low and get in the mood...for sleep.

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