Here at Closer we’re all about a self-care moment, so, when we heard about the holistic healing treatment, Reiki, that celebs like Gwyneth Paltrow and Lili Reinhart swear by we had to put it to the test.
So, what actually is Reiki and how does it work?
“Reiki is a Japanese practice that works on the body, mind and spirit, by reopening and unblocking the chakras,” says Giula Muscarà, Treatwell’s Reiki Expert, “Chakras are the 7 main energy centres in the body that control the flow of the Universal life force.”

“Reiki is channelled through the hands. Whenever I place my hands on a client with the intention of healing and helping, the Energy will flow through me to the place in the body that requires healing.”
Sounds pretty good, right? Of course, I had to book a session with Giula ASAP.
On the day of my treatment, I felt sceptically optimistic. I’m the type of person who wants to believe in the power holistic treatments and in the past, I’ve tried sound baths, crystal healing and meditation sessions all with the hope of finding inner peace and tranquillity. I was excited to see if Reiki had the answer.
Guila began by asking me how I felt that day and what was happening in my life at the moment. I answered broadly not wanting to give too much away.
Then I lied down, shut my eyes and Guila told me to go to my happy place before spraying the room with a relaxing scent. I’ll admit I felt very zen already.
Then, using both hands she began moving along my body applying light pressure to various points. As she went her hands became incredibly warm and I found myself wondering how she was doing it. Was there a radiator at the side of the room she kept placing her hands on? It turns out this is the energy mentioned earlier.
After moving over my whole body, Guila returned to any spots she felt needed extra attention and healing. For me, these were my gut and throat. Once again she began pressing lightly on each area using energy to unblock each chakra.
Once finished Guila asked me to sit up slowly and offered me some water. As I put on my coat and got ready to leave I glanced at my phone sure the treatment had lasted about 20 minutes. Surprisingly 40 minutes had gone past and I'd been blissfully unaware.
“Being a personal and unique experience, it’s not very easy to explain how you feel after a Reiki session. Initially you may only feel dizzy or deeply relaxed,” says Guila, “This is because during Reiki your body connects with your mind and spirit for a deeper understanding of the real root of the problem and it helps you find a different approach to it.”

I was surprised to find I left my treatment feeling like I’d just had a big, warm hug and this cosy feeling lasted for hours after. It was like a sense of calm had come over me after having a really good rest.
I'd love to try Reiki when I'm in a less content head space to soak up all the positive vibes.
Or, if you're just in need of a deep relaxation hit Reiki is definitely the treatment to try.
Treatment provided by Giulia Muscarà, Treatwell Reiki Expert at You Are Beauty
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