The £1.99 cleaning tool going viral for expertly removing hair from carpets

It goes where the hoover can't...

Tik Tok hair remover cleaning product - Closer Online

by Caitlin Casey |
Updated on

If you have long hair or even pets at home, you understand the pain of finding never-ending hairs in your carpets. Luckily, TikTok has come to the rescue (as always) with a viral cleaning product.

The best thing is, it's only £1.99.

Yep, you read that right. A tool that's only two pounds will come to our saviour and rid of all those hairs in our carpets that even the strongest vacuums can't get to.

These lint removers have been all over our social feeds, with cleaning influencers taking to their stairs and carpets to scrape up all the invisible hair. We've been shocked to see how much fur and hair is really lingering in our carpets. Dog owners, boyfriends and those with long locks, this one's for you.

From Stacey Soloman's tidying hacks to Mrs Hinch's Zoflora obsession, we've been hooked on cleaning influencers for a while and we're ready to get our hands on everything,

Wondering where you can get your hands on this nifty product? Here at Closer, we've hunted down the lint roller on Amazon and you can get it for £1.99 rn.

Just check it out below...

SHOP: The carpet hair cleaner going viral on Tik Tok

Amazon Carpet Lint Roller

To use the tool, all you need to do is roll it back and forth over the carpet you want to clean and then watch the magic work. In no time you'll pick up loads of hidden hairs and wish you'd got your hands on it before.

Specs you'll want to know about:

How to use: Roll back and forth over carpet or furniture

Material: Wood, Copper

Operation mode: Manual

Width: 16 x 3cm

Head Width: 13 x 3cm

Review: "I use this on my stairs to scrape all the dog hair out of the carpet and then it's much easier to hoover up. Such a cheap simple solution to a job that used to take ages."

Now, read more:

The ultimate house cleaning checklist for a simple and easy clean

Stacey Solomon reveals her favourite fake tan and it's cheap as chips

12 gifts perfect for the Mrs Hinch fan in your life

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