You may be aware that the Government are cracking down on smoking and have introduced new legislation which has seen ten-packs and menthol ciggies removed from shops with a more expensive price tag.
Now public health bosses want to ban smoking from council homes, to protect children from second-hand smoke.
The proposed plans would see tenants signing a compulsary agreement promising not to smoke in the home before they moved in.
Professor John Middleton, president of the Faculty of Public Health, argued that adults smoking at home damages the development of children’s lungs, and can even leave babies at risk of cot death.

‘Housing associations and councils are looking at smoke-free housing buildings,’ Middleton told the paper. ‘Where children are involved I think there is a real case for it.
‘You wouldn’t evict a load of tenants for smoking. Where you have got new premises… you could have smoke-free agreements from the start.’
However Simon Clark, director of the pro-smoking campaign group Forest, claimed such a ban would ‘penalise unfairly those who can’t afford to buy their own homes’.
What do you think of the proposed smoking ban? Let us know at Closer Online on Facebook or Twitter!
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