Research has found that British children are only interested in one career path for the future
The British kids of today are being dubbed the "digital generation", after a study found that most children in the UK are looking towards technology-based careers.
Children as young as five have their hearts set on growing up to become vloggers and software developers, rather than the careers as doctors and lawyers that their parents are pushing them towards.
GALLERY: The top 10 things that REALLY make you a mum
The top 10 things that really make you a mum (slider)

mum with child

1) Being there when your child needs you

2) Wanting your child’s happiness more than your own

3) Coping with all the highs and lows of parenting

4) Loving your child unconditionally

5) Being emotionally available for your child

6) Answering all their questions dozens of times

7) Doing the drudgery of domestic chores like washing, cooking and cleaning out of love

8) Going without so your child has what they need

9) Being pregnant and giving birth

10) Having a biological child
It's hardly surprising though, considering the amount of advanced technology that kids these days have at their fingertips.
What may be surprising, however, is the fact that kids are now snubbing traditional careers such as medicine and law for jobs as web designers and coders.
But parents apparently aren't happy about their sprogs' chosen career paths, with one quarter of parents choosing not to encourage their children's interest in gadgets.
In the study, commissioned by O2, one in 10 parents revealed that they felt they couldn't talk to their kids about online safety as they don't have confidence in their own knowledge.
Eight in 10 parents said they could admit that digital skills were imperative learning for their kids' future careers, but only 11% of parents are actively encouraging their kids to embrace technology.
The research also discovered the top 5 careers kids were hoping to work in when they were older - as well as the top five careers parents want their kids to follow.
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Software developer
Web designer
Software developer
**Are you hoping your kids will turn to a career that's not technology-based? Let us know over on **Facebook and Twitter.
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