Baby P’s mum wants a hysterectomy so she can’t fall pregnant again when she’s released

Baby P

by Emma Dodds |
Published on

Baby P's mum Jennifer Connelly has reportedly asked for a hysterectomy so that her chances of getting parole might be higher

It's been just over a decade since the tragic death of Baby P at the hands of his own mother Tracey Connelly, her boyfriend Steven Barker and his brother Jason Owen.

Little Peter, who was just 17-months-old at the time, was let down not only by his family, but also the council who ignored opportunities to get Baby P out of his mother's care.

Connelly, 35, was jailed in 2009 for her part in Peter's murder. She was released on license in 2013 but was recalled to prison as she broke her bail conditions by selling indecent images of herself.

Baby P

But now, Connelly is reportedly plotting to try and get parole earlier - by having a HYSTERECTOMY.

According to the Daily Star, Connelly, who has previously requested gastric band surgery, has requested surgery to remove her uterus to try and increase her chances of getting out of HMP Low Newton in Durham.

However, she's apparently too heavy to qualify for the surgery at 29st, and is now on a diet so that she can undergo the hysterectomy.

Baby P

A source told the publication: "She is insatiable and has already had relationships with three women at Low Newton. She doesn’t trust herself not to fall pregnant again in the outside world.

"She’s desperately trying to lose weight so she can have the operation. She doesn’t trust herself to not let history repeat itself. She wants that choice taken away."

Connelly was refused parole in 2015 and she was denied once again last December as she is still considered a danger to society and will stay in prison for another two years.

A post mortem on Baby P revealed he had sustained more than 50 injuries over the course of eight months, suffering eight broken ribs, a broken back, missing fingernails and a deep tear to his earlobe which had been pulled away from his head.

**Do you remember the awful case of Baby P? Let us know over on **Facebook and Twitter.


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