As if we haven't been through enough this year, the infamous chocolate brand Quality Street – produced by Nestle – have announced that they're removing the Toffee Deluxe.
Quality Street have revealed that because they received lots of complaints from customers that there are too many toffee sweets in the box, they decided to remove the Toffee Deluxe - the oldest and most delicious.
And that's not the only change, the paper menu that's usually inside the Quality Street box will now feature on the outside of the box…
However, Quality Street fans might be happy to hear that they're replacing the Toffee Deluxe for a the new chocolate Honeycomb Crunch, which has been described as a lighter truffle infused with crunchy honeycomb and covered in chocolate.
Nestle spokesperson said: "We wanted to celebrate Quality Street's 80th birthday by introducing the first new sweet for nearly a decade.
"We did extensive research and found that the Honeycomb Crunch was the most popular option for a new sweet."

Even though there's a new chocolate it seems Quality Street customers are not happy, many took to Twitter to show their disappointment. One person wrote:
"Wait, why?! Quality Street have ditched Toffee Deluxe??"
"My favourite, Toffee Deluxe, removed from Quality Street? That. Is. A. Disgrace."

"Unbelievable! They've dropped the Toffee Deluxe in Quality Street. I fear for the future generation and what they'll miss out on."

Even Millie Mackintosh – whose family created the infamous brand –seems to be disappointed with the news, she wrote on Instagram: "Save the toffee!! #MackintoshQualityStreet #Heritage"

Although, some people thought the brand should remove other chocolates:
"Why doesn't Quality Street just get rid of the strawberry and orange cream, no one likes them anyway."

"First Bakeoff & now this Quality Street getting rid of one of their better sweets instead of the awful coconut ones"
And other people agreed with the decision:
"Completely agree with Quality Street's decision to drop the Toffee Deluxe, far too many toffees. Thought that before."

"If Quality Street was only made up of green triangle and the purple one then we'd all be happy. We tolerate the rest to eat those."

But son't worry if Toffee Deluxe was your favourite because it's still available in the Quality Street Toffee and Fudge pack, a spokesperson revealed: "[It] contains the Toffee Deluxe alongside the Toffee Finger, Toffee Penny and Fudge."
How do you feel about the Toffee Deluxe being removed?
Do you like a Honeycomb Crunch chocolate?
Let us know your thoughts on Facebook or our Twitter (@CloserOnline) page.
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