Much like Marmite, it’s a love-hate beverage, but according to new research, ordering a pint of this at the bar will make you far more likely to get the attention of admirers.
You guessed it: a single gal's best friend is beer. But not any old pint of the stuff…
According to this study by, single people who listed Guinness – yes, Guinness! - in their profiles were EIGHT times more likely to land themselves a date.

Pull us a pint…
The stats also revealed that the Guinness-guzzlers were almost 2.5 times more likely to prefer a boozy first date, and the 58 per cent more likely to get down and dirty on a meet up, too.
Who knew that Guinness lovers had so much sex appeal? Well, with the Irish coming in time and time again as the sexiest people in the world, maybe we shouldn’t be so surprised after all. gathered the data and ranked the top 10 cities of beer lovers in the US, and the results were as follows:

Washington DC
San Francisco, CA
Boston, MA
Austin, TX
Madison, WI
Portland, OR
Seattle, WA
Denver, CO
Nashville, TN
Baltimore, MD
These beer hotspots included lovers of a range of beers, but the Guinness lovers were the luckiest in love.
We know what we’re ordering on our next trip down the local…
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