After a long day of cooking, cleaning, ironing, food shopping, replying to all the Whatsapp groups you've been forced to join - washing up the dishes can seem worse than being in the Big Brother house with Kim Woodburn. With knobs on.
However, imagine NEVER washing up again. Is this a joke? Are we going to suggest buying a dishwasher which is so expensive you'll be forced to make do with beans on toast for eternity?
We would never joke.
One Twitter user's mum accidentally came up with the brilliant idea, when teaching the vital lesson of not leaving dirty dishes on the side.

By getting rid of ALL the plates and cutlery.

And replacing them with plastic and paper versions.

Alyssa's Tweet has had over a thousand retweets with users calling it 'inspiration' for when they leave home, so they never have to wash up again.

Alyssa told Buzzfeed, “I was surprised at first because my family isn’t the wasteful type and I know washing the dishes would be much better for the environment,” she said.
“I apologised to her and promised I’d help more around the house. She’s just glad her point got across."
We love a happy ending.
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