Is your baby due in the autumn? Then these gorgeous fall-inspired baby names are a must-read…
If you're due to have a baby this autumn then you'll definitely want to check out these season inspired baby names.
When naming a baby there's a lot of pressure because they'll literally have the name for the rest of their lives. To narrow things down and make life just that little bit easier for you, we've gathered some baby names that are perfect for autumn time.
Autumn is the time where it begins to get colder (we miss the summer already), the leaves fall of the trees, it's dark in the mornings and the early evenings and Christmas is just round the corner.
So if you're pregnant and due to welcome your little one into the world in September, October or November or you're just looking for baby names we've rounded up 42 baby boy and baby girl monikers that are perfect for the fall...
Check out: 42 gorgeous autumn inspired baby names
Autumn Baby Name Inspiration - slider & stacked

autumn baby names
1. AmberThis name is taken from the golden-brown hue of fossilised tree resin - and means, quite simply, 'jewel'.2. Aki / AkikoThese unusual - and pretty - girls names come from the Japanese word for Autumn.

autumn baby names
3. Ash / AsherThese robust names come from the Middle English word 'asche' - meaning, yes, the tree. Perfect for a fall baby!4. AsterAster is a name that comes from the modern, everyday Greek word for "star" which is "asteri" - but it's also the official flower for September.

autumn baby names
5. AureliaThis girl name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Aurelia is "golden" - perfect for autumn.6. AutumnWell, duh! Autumn is the hottest season name, holding a spot in the Top 100 baby names for over ten years.

autumn baby names
7. BaizeThis utterly unique girl name is french, meaning 'dark brown'.8. BrunaThis pretty Italian girl name means 'brown'.

autumn baby names
9. BrunoRich, stylish, and VERY European, this Portuguese name means 'brown'.10. CormacThis handsome Irish boys' name means "tree trunk".

autumn baby names
11. DaphneA classic and uber-feminine name, Daphne means 'laurel tree' - an aromatic evergreen that really comes into its own in the autumn months.12. DoryA cute name - especially when you're a Finding Nemo fan - the meaning of Dory is "golden haired". Ideal for those colourful autumn months, eh?

autumn baby names
13. GarnetThis unique unisex name comes from the dark red gemstone.14. HazanA rich and warm girl's name, stemming from the Turkish word for Autumn.

autumn baby names
15. HazelAnother unisex name taken from nature, this old fashioned moniker is derived from the tree of the same name.16. HunterThis was traditionally thought of as a super-masculine name, but it has been used for children of both genders in recent years. It is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Hunter is "hunter, pursuer".

autumn baby names
17. JuniperJuniper is a fresh-feeling nature name - it's another evergreen shrub - with lots of energy.18. LaurelThis unisex name is taken from the laurel tree - an aromatic evergreen that really comes into its own in the autumn months.

autumn baby names
19. LennoxThis Scottish name, related to the elm tree, conjure sup images of falling leaves and crisp autumnal days.20. LindenAnother popular unisex name, this one means "linden tree hill".

autumn baby names
21. MapleThe rich red leaves of the maple tree lend themselves well to this unusual girl's name, don't they?22. OliveMeaning "olive tree", this is another pretty nature name which would be perfect for your autumn baby.

autumn baby names
23. OpalThe birthstone for October, this beautiful white gem is a gorgeous name choice for an autumn baby.24. OrlaThis Irish name means "golden princess" - which is VERY apt for all the colours of the season.

autumn baby names
25. PerryChic, functional, and friendly, this works for both boys and girls and means "pear tree."26. QiuA pretty unisex name which stems from the Chinese word for Autumn.

autumn baby names
27. RavenRavens are highly-intelligent birds - and, with Robin and Wren both popular girls names, we predict that Raven is set to soar over the next few years in the baby name charts.28. RheaAnother nature name, this greek girl's moniker means "a flowing stream" and is taken from the earth mother of all gods. Win.

autumn baby names
29. RoryThis strong Irish name - meaning "red king" - is good for both boys and girls.30. RowanA unisex name that's also the name of a tree with red berries and that means "little redhead."

autumn baby names
**31. Roux (pronounced 'Roo')**This gorgeous moniker comes from a Latin word meaning russet or brownish red - and, thanks to Hunger Games's Rue, looks set to become very popular.32. RustyThis boy's name conjures to mind that gorgeous brown-red colour we all associate with the season.

autumn baby names
33. SaffronThis girl's name has a strong hippie vibe to it - and that might have a little something to do with the fact that it's taken from a precious orange-scented spice.34. SapphireThe birthstone for September, this name is bright, dazzling and beautiful.

autumn baby names
35. ScarlettMeaning "scarlet, red", this beautiful name is inspired by all the colours of the season.36. ScoutAn interesting choice for either gender, this name means "to listen" and was made famous by the feisty little girl of To Kill A Mockingbird.

autumn baby names
37. SiennaA real up-and-comer, this soft and delicate name is taken from the red-bricked Tuscan town of the same title.38. SparrowAnother name taken from nature, this unisex moniker is becoming VERY fashionable.

autumn baby names
39. ThuA unisex name, stemming from the Vietnamese word for Autumn.40. WheatleyThis means 'from the wheat meadow', making it perfect for harvest time.

autumn baby names
41. WillowAn ancient tree that is believed to possess magical powers, Willow is a lovely and graceful name.42. WoodyCourageous and friendly, this Toy Story-inspired name means "row of houses by a wood".

autumn baby names
41, RobinRobin is a small brown bird known for it's distinctive red chest and is common in Britain all year round.42, WrenLike the Robin, the Wren is a small finch-type bird that is native to England. These two names would be cute for twins or for a mum who wants her children's names to match.

autumn baby names
43, DahliaThis unusual flower is the national flower of Mexico and whilst is often considered a summer flower, actually can bloom right through to December making it the perfect autumnal name.44, RaineIn case there was any doubt, this is a good reminder of our temperate British climate but is less gloomy and more glam. For boys and girls.

autumn baby names
45, ForrestThis one is pretty self explanatory. Whether you're a Tom Hanks fan or not, this cute boys name calls to mind technicolour trees and diverse wildlife. 45, SaywerSawyer is a unisex name, meaning 'a person who cuts timber', and is also the name of our favourite character in Lost, so, there's that. 46, OakleyThe Oak is the king of the forest and likewise this earthy name conjures notions of wisdom and grandeur. Give a baby destined for big things this name.

autumn baby names
47, MaizePronounced Maisie, Maize is a grain primarily farmed in the autumn and a core components in diets across the globe.48, AppleMade popular by Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow, the name Apple brings to mind lush orchards heavy with shiny red apples, ready for bobbing and apple pies this autumn. 49, PhoenixIf autumn was a (admittedly, mythical) bird, it would be a Phoenix. In flaming reds, oranges and golds, the Phoenix perfectly represents the autumnal palette and is a kick-ass baby name to boot. 50, GaiaGaia was the Greek goddess of Harvest - a time around September when farmers plough their fields for their year's work.
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