Parents are apparently forking out around £400 a year per child for their help with household chores, meaning each kid gets paid an average of £7.70 a week!
As part of the Dance Your Place Clean campaign from Flash and Viakal, a study was conducted looking at parents with children aged 3 to 16 to reveal the top ways that Brits motivate their children to get involved in spring cleaning.
The campaign also partnered with Kimberly Wyatt to show how you can literally dance your way through dirt during your spring clean, making it fun for the whole family.
The study revealed that 60 per cent of respondents tempt their kids with money to get them to help around the house, while 44 per cent bribe them with their favourite treat.
Nikita Ganich, P&G Marketing Manager, commented on the study to say it was encouraging to see parents finding ways to include their children in spring cleaning.
"By getting the whole family involved, and with the help of the right music, the right cleaning products, a touch of bribery or even dancing, it’s possible to turn the dreaded spring clean into a fun family activity," Nikita revealed.

The study discovered that 87 per cent of parents like to listen to music whilst cleaning, and more than half said that a good tune makes the task at hand more enjoyable.
In addition to this, it was revealed that children now earn over 50 per cent more pocket money than their parents did when they were young, and half of children today are cheeky enough to try and negotiate a better payout from mum and dad!
However, not all the kids are convinced that their parents efforts to make cleaning more enjoyable are worthwhile...
One in four children said they would voluntarily give up their TV time to escape helping with chores, and 18 per cent resort to hiding around the house to avoid their parent’s gaze.
We’ve all done that at some point in our lives though, right?

**The top 5 chores we dread the most: **
Cleaning the bathroom (15%)
Tackling a pile of ironing (12%)
Clearing out gutters (8%)
Washing the windows (7%)
Clearing the garage (6%)
According to the study, the best paid chore is washing the car, which children are paid an average of £1.55 per clean.
The top 10 best paid childhood chores:
Washing the car £1.55
Clearing the gutters £1.23
Clearing the garage £1.22
Washing the carpet/laminate floors £1.13
Washing the windows £1.09
Clearing the attic £1.08
Doing the ironing £1.08
Doing the laundry £1.05
Sorting old possessions for charity shops/the dump £1.01
Cleaning the bathroom £0.99
As part of the campaign, people are being encouraged to submit their top songs to dance to while cleaning for a chance to win some amazing prizes!
To find out more about Dance As You Clean, click here.
And if you need any tips on how to get started with your spring clean, we have some ideas here.
Do you pay your children to help with the household chores?
Let us know via Facebook and Twitter (@CloserOnline).
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