Plus the Love Island contestants who have gained the most followers since entering the villa
Get ready, your Instagram feed is about to be flooded with sponsored content (or spon con for short) as we have our first Love Island contestant with over 1 million followers.
The lucky Islander? It’s Tommy Fury of course, who actually started the show with the most followers, 120,000.
In week one Lucie Donlan was a close second to initial love interest Tommy with 104,000, she now has a whopping 898,000 followers just three weeks in. Fellow Islander Molly-Mae Hague isn’t far behind Lucie with 793,000 followers at the time of writing.
However, there are still three Islanders who have less than 100,000 followers – but this is likely because they are late entrants.
Check out: How to follow the Love Island 2019 cast on Instagram and Twitter
Love Island 2019 social media STACKED RADIO

Yewande Biala
Age: 22From: Dublin, IrelandOccupation: Scientist Instagram: @yewande_biala Twitter: @yewande_biala

Lucie Donlan
Age: 21From: NewquayOccupation: SurferInstagram: @lucierosedonlanTwitter: @lucierosedonlan

Amber Gill
Age: 21 From: NewcastleOccupation: Beauty therapistInstagram: @amberrosegillTwitter: @AmberRoseGill

Amy Hart
Age: 26 From: Worthing, SussexOccupation: Air hostess / cabin crew managerInstagram: @amyhartxoTwitter: N/A

Anna Vakili
Age: 28 From: LondonOccupation: Pharmacist Instagram: @annavakili_Twitter: N/A

Anton Danyluk
Age: 24 From: Airdrie, ScotlandOccupation: Gym owner Instagram: @anton_danylukTwitter: N/A

Tommy Fury
Age: 20 From: ManchesterOccupation: BoxerInstagram: @tommytntfuryTwitter: @tommytntfury

Joe Garratt
Age: 22 From: South East LondonOccupation: Catering company ownerInstagram: @josephgarratt Twitter: N/A

Michael Griffiths
Age: 27 From: LiverpoolOccupation: FirefighterInstagram: @mac_griffithsTwitter: @mac_griff

Sherif Lanre
Age: 20From: LondonOccupation: chef and semi-pro rugby playerInstagram: @sherif_lanreTwitter: @sherif_lanre

Callum Macleod
Age: 28 From: South WalesOccupation: Aircraft engineerInstagram: @callum_macleodTwitter: N/A

Curtis Pritchard
Age: 23 From: ShropshireOccupation: Ballroom and Latin dancerInstagram: @curtispritchard12Twitter: @CurtisPritchard

Molly-Mae Hague
Age: 20From: HertfordshireOccupation: Social media influencer Instagram: mollymaehagueTwitter: mollymaehague
Danny Williams
Age: 21From: HullOccupation: ModelInstagram: itsdannywilliamsTwitter: N/A

Elma Pazar

Maura Higgins
Age: 28From: County Longford, Ireland.Occupation: Model and grid girlInstagram: maurahigginsTwitter: MauraHiggins

Jordan Hames
Age: 24From: ManchesterOccupation: ModelInstagram::a[jxrdanhames]{href='' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'}Twitter: N/A

Arabella Chi
Age: 28From: LondonOccupation: ModelInstagram: arabellachiTwitter: N/A
Joanna Chimonides
Age: 22From: LondonOccupation: Recruitment Consultant Instagram: joannachimonidesTwitter: N/A
Lavena Back
Age: 23From: CroydonOccupation: Business Developer Instagram: iam_l.vTwitter: N/A
Nabila Badda
Age: 29From: LondonOccupation: HostessInstagram: nabilabaddaTwitter: N/A
Jourdan Riane
Age: 24From EssexOccupation: Model/ActressInstagram: jourdanrianeTwitter: N/A
Belle Hassan
Age: 21From: BromleyOccupation: Makeup ArtistInstagram: belle._.hassanTwitter: N/A
Maria Wild
Age: 22From: CheltenhamOccupation: VIP HostInstagram: mariacarmelwildTwitter: N/A
Stevie Bradley
Age: 21From: Isle of ManOccupation: StudentInstagram: stevie_bradley1Twitter: N/A
Ovie Soko
Age: 28From: LondonOccupation: Pro Basketball playerInstagram: oviesokoTwitter: N/A
Marvin Brooks
Age: 29From: Bournemouth Occupation: Personal trainer and ex Royal Navy officer Instagram: marvinbrooksTwitter: N/A
Dan Rose
Age: 21From: EssexOccupation: Bathroom salesman Instagram: danrose_Twitter: N/A
George Rains
Age: 22From: EssexOccupation: BuilderInstagram: georgerainsofficialTwitter: N/A
Dennon Lewis
Age: 22From: WatfordOccupation: Professional footballerInstagram: dennon_lewisTwitter: N/A

Francesca Allen
Age: 23From: EssexOccupation: Clothing store managerInstagram: francesca_allenTwitter: N/A

Chris Taylor
Age: 28From: LeicesterOccupation: Business development managerInstagram: christophertaylorofficialTwitter: N/A

Harley Brash
Age: 20From: NewcastleOccupation: Estate agentInstagram: harley_brash

Greg O'Shea
Age: 24From: LimerickOccupation: Professional Rugby playerInstagram: gregoshea

New boys Tom Walker and Jordan Hames sit at 44,000 and 46,000 followers respectively, after coming into the villa in a shock twist this weekend.
And new girl Elma is on 93,000, while Maura, who shook things up when she came into the house at the same time as Elma, has 340,000.
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Curious about who has gained the most followers since being in the villa? So were we! While the likes of Tommy Fury and Curtis Pritchard were already semi-famous, those who have gained the most followers since being on the show started small.
Danny Williams, Sherif Lanre and Amy Hart are the top three Islanders who have gained the most followers since the show started on June 3, with Joe Garratt, Yewanda Biala and Michael Griffiths close behind.
Former Love Islanders have gone on to start clothing lines, write books, and of course use their new followers to pump out some lucrative sponsored content, we can’t wait to see what Tommy Fury does with his new-found fans on Instagram.