Ooh, Ground Force might be making a return to our telly boxes…


by Emma Dodds |
Published on

Would YOU like to see Ground Force make a return to our telly boxes in the near future?

There were a handful programmes that rose to prominence in the Noughties that the population of the UK, quite frankly, couldn't imagine living without.

We can all agree the the Noughties really saw the rise of home improvement shows - not necessarily because we wanted to actually improve our own homes, but perhaps more because we're secretly all really nosey and want to see other people's homes.

No? Just us? Ok, whatever you say...

But top of the list when it came to these sorta shows was UNDOUBTEDLY Ground Force. Don't try and tell us otherwise.

Ground Force was a fave of the British public (Credit: BBC/ Ground Force) ©BBC/ Ground Force

Whether you fancied Alan Titchmarsh, hated Tommy Walsh or just tuned in to see them passive-aggressively argue with Charlie Dimmock, the UK was definitely united by our love for the gardening programme.

So you'll almost definitely be pleased to hear that there MIGHT be a reunion to mark the 20th anniversary of the show, which was first shown on the BBC in 1997 (if you can believe that).

Charlie addressed rumours over a GF reunion (Credit: BBC/ Ground Force) ©BBC/ Ground Force

Speaking to The Sun, Charlie revealed she had "heard whisperings" about a reunion of the show.

But she then shut it down very quicky, dashing the hopes of millions, by saying that she thinks she's "too old" to do another run of the show.

Charlie was something of a gardening pin-up girl when the show started in 1997 (Credit: BBC/ Ground Force) ©BBC/ Ground Force

HOWEVER. Don't write it off just yet as she then admitted that fellow presenter Tommy Walsh was keen: "I know Tommy says, 'Oh yeah we could do it again'."

She then coyly took a sly swipe at former producers: "I have to say doing the first series, I forgot how irritating it can be doing TV.

"You've got rose tinted glasses so you forget about horizontal rain and snow and the directors going, 'Oh you've got to have some more colour in the garden, we want to use these plants' and you don't because they don't work with the scheme."

The trio playfully fought quite often - as shown in this snap from the credits (Credit: BBC/ Ground Force) ©BBC/ Ground Force

That Charlie is NOT scared to speak her mind!

Fingers crossed that something does come of this. Or if not, can we get Changing Rooms back instead please?!

Would you watch a Ground Force reunion? Did you watch the original series? Let us know over on Facebook and Twitter.

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