During Thursday's episode (25 August) we saw Dan Spencer and Nicola grow closer as they enjoyed an evening of talking, giggling and drinking wine.
During the scene Nicola said to Dan: "You can't go around like that, all cocked.
"You look like you've got that, what is it? Himi, Hemi, Hemiplegia."

The condition - hemiplegia – is a type of Cerebral Palsy which affects movement and co-ordination due to a problem in brain that is responsible for controlling muscles.
And Emmerdale viewers did not find the funny side of the joke on the ITV show, with many taking to Twitter to discuss how they felt about the joke.
One person wrote: "@Ofcom @ITV I'm absolutely appalled and disgusted at @emmerdale referring to a drunk as someone with Hemiplegia #ignorance."
Other viewers wrote:
"Hemiplegia jokes? Really? How low can you go for a laugh!"
"@emmerdale don't you think there's enough Stigma for people with hemiplegia without making a joke about it in your script?"
"@emmerdale absolutely disgusted at the comments made last Thursday about cerebral palsy, my son, 10 has hemiplegia, how dare you!!!"
"@emmerdale hemiplegia is NO laughing matter. My son has cerebral palsy. Please don't ridicule this condition."
The show has previously explored cerebral pals, earlier this year Megan Macey discovered that after her daughter (with Jai Sharma) Eliza Macey was born prematurely she could have cerebral palsy.
You can read more on cerebral palsy on the NHS.
And Emmerdale is not the only ITV soap to come under fire. On Monday (29 August) Coronation Street viewers expressed how they were not happy with a 'racist' joke on the show.
Eva Price visited the Salon to dye her roots and made the comment: "I've got more roots than Kunta Kinte!"

Kunta Kinte is a character from the novel Roots: The Saga of an American Family. During the novel he becomes a slave in America after being captured in Gambia.
And many Coronation Street fans disapproved of the comment made by Eva.
One person wrote: "One of my fave shows but just heard the #kuntakinte #roots reference by Eva. Not funny. Not impressed. #CoronationStreet."
Someone else tweeted: "Don't appreciate the Kunta Kinte wise crack. Disappointed. Anyone contraction Ofcom??? Please do #CoronationStreet."
Another person wrote: "#CoronationStreet 'I have more roots than Kunta Kinte' WTF sort it out #Racism"
Another Coronation Street viewer tweeted: "@itvcorrie Kunta Kinte – really Coronation Street? I think you need to have a word with the scriptwriter!"
Coronation Street bosses have since apologised, an ITV spokesperson said: "We apologies if this dialogue has caused offence."
One person wrote: "So racism on Coronation Street and offensive joke about Cerebral Palsy on Emmerdale! Well done @ITV you're kicking it out the park this week!"
How do you feel about the cerebral palsy comment?
How do you feel about the Kunta Kinte comment?
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Coronation Street spoiler: Caz comes to the rescue after Maria gets burgled