Er… Can we please talk about the HUGE bulge in Danny Dyer’s trousers 🍆

Was know...the real deal?

danny dyer with his arms open

by Georgina Terry and Owen Tonks |
Updated on

We came across this article from December 2016 about EastEndershard man (no pun intended) Danny Dyer and had to dust it down and reshare. Enjoy!

Danny Dyer caused quite the stir during last night’s EastEnders.

The actor, who plays Mick Catrer, made a brief appearance in the kitchen in the upstairs flat of the Queen Vic while his wife Linda Carter, played by Kellie Bright, and Sharon Mitchell, played by Letitia Dean, were having a chat.

Danny Dyer in EastEnders
Hello... ©BBC

Stepping into the room in a new pair of trousers, he announced: “I think these are a little bit tight, don’t you?”

Noticing that Mick was smuggling something rather bulky down there, Sharon joked to Linda: “So the rumours are true!”

And fans of the show quickly grabbed hold of the remote so they could wind back and take a second look as they couldn’t quite believe what they saw.

Danny Dyer penis bulge EastEnders

One viewer tweeted: “Just had to rewind #eastenders to take a good look at Danny Dyer’s bulge after that scene. Definitely a pair of socks down there!”

Another person wrote: “Just seen a glimpse of what Danny Dyer meant about his big testicle on Celeb Juice #TightTrousers #EastEnders.”

Someone else added: “What’s going on with Danny Dyer’s bulge? #eastenders.”

And another viewer posted: “Not being funny but did everyone see Mick Carter’s baws there? #Eastenders.”

This article first appeared on Closer on 21 December 2016. What a time.

NOW WATCH: anther one from the archives - Dani Dyer talks to us about her first intimate wax

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