BABY PANIC! Rebecca goes into labour in Emmerdale!


by Tess.Lamacraft |
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There's panic when Rebecca's waters break when she's stranded with Aaron!

It looks as if Robert is about to become a daddy when his ex, Rebecca, suddenly goes into labour next week. Eek. Call the midwife!

So will Robert be by her side as the newborn makes its first appearance into the world? Er...sadly no, that job could be going to his other ex, Aaron, who finds himself stranded in the middle of nowhere with a panting and wailing Rebecca. AWKWARD!

The whole reason Aaron and Robert split up was because Rob cheated on his other-half by sleeping with Rebecca. The fact she later discovered she was pregnant was the final nail in the coffin for the lads' already floundering relationship.

So Aaron really doesn't want to be the one by Rebecca's side as she gives birth to Robert's baby but it's looking like a distinct possibility when Chrissie's little sis goes into labour in the middle of the countryside with no means of transport!

There's panic when Rebecca's waters break! ©ITV

The dramarama unfolds when earlier on, Rebecca's car starts playing up and her mate Victoria insists that she gets Aaron, who's pretty handy with spanners and spark plugs, to try and fix it.

The reluctant grease-monkey is pestered into helping out, but when he takes Rebecca and Victoria out in the car for a test run the old motor splutters to a juddering halt just as they're in the middle of the countryside. Typical eh! Bet there's no mobile reception either!

A broken down car. A woman in labour. It's not a good combo! ©ITV

The next thing you know, Rebecca is clutching her stomach in agony as she starts to experience strong contractions. EEK!

"It's difficult for Aaron", says Danny Miller who plays him. "When Rebecca's waters break while they're out, he's horrified. For him, this baby is a constant reminder of the fact that Aaron's trust and loyalties were demolished by Robert."

As a frantic Aaron tries to fix the car it looks as if Robert and Rebecca's baby is keen to make an appearance. Uh oh.

Will mechanic Aaron get the motor up and running in time, is anyone going to come to their rescue or is Robert's ex literally about to be left holding his baby as a panicked Rebecca starts puffing and panting!?

Do you think Rebecca will make it to hospital or is Aaron going to have to be midwife? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter


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