Charity and Vanessa end up enjoying a steamy snog in the cellar of the Woolpack. How? What? Why?
Man-eater Charity turns her attention to the opposite sex next week when she ends up having a passionate snog with vet Vanessa. Hmm….just another day in the Dales eh?
The unlikely scenario kicks off when the pair find themselves locked in the cellar of the Woolpack. Like we said, just another day in the Dales!
“The cellar door has broken”, says Emma Atkins who plays feisty Charity. “Charity is down there changing a barrel, when Vanessa shows up drunk. The door slams and they are both locked inside.”

Oh dear. How unfortunate! These two have never exactly seen eye to eye and ever since Charity’s meddling in Megan’s relationship, with Vanessa’s dad, Frank, they positively loathe eachother. So rather than have a nice little chat about the weather or the latest Dales fashions it’s not long before the two are tearing strips off eachother.

When their loud shrieks for help go unnoticed – on account of there being a very noisy bash going on upstairs which explains Vanessa’s banana-yellow cape and eye-mask combo– the two women realise they are trapped there for the foreseeable. Hey ho. What to do in a cellar rammed with booze? Tuck into the goods on offer! And that’s exactly what they proceed to do.
As the two attack a bottle of whisky, they continue to hurl insults at eachother until they end up getting so sozzled they can barely stand, which is when Charity decides to make a move on Vanessa. Oh well. We suppose it keeps things interesting when there’s not much else to do in a dark and dingy basement.

“Charity makes a move and catches Vanessa off guard”, says Emma. “But Vanessa responds willingly and suddenly they are in a heated embrace!”
So is this going to be a one off? Or could a surprising new Dales relationship be in offing? More importantly, is anyone going to come to their rescue any time soon or will they be forced to live in the cellar happily ever after until the end of time....
Do you think Vanessa and Charity make a good couple? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter
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