“Are we honestly supposed to believe that?” Emmerdale viewers point out something very odd about last night’s episode

Emmerdale Moira Barton

by Eden-Olivia Lord |
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Moira Barton may have just given birth but fans noticed something a little unrealistic about the baby

Emmerdale viewers were given a shock last week when Moira Barton unexpectedly went into labour.

It all happened pretty quickly as well, while Moira and Emma Barton were fighting in the barn that was on fire she went into labour. With the help of her murdering nemesis she gave birth to a little baby boy.

In the Dales the rest of the Barton family got to meet the new addition to their family, with Pete even wondering whether the baby is his son. Fans of the show have been left guessing who the baby daddy is – Cain Dingle or Pete Barton.

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If you really want to know who Moira's baby daddy is, we've got the spoilers here…

While lots of fans have been wondering who the new baby's dad is, other people couldn't help but point out how big the "newborn" is. Some viewers thought the new addition to the Barton family was on the slightly larger side for a baby that has just been born.

One person tweeted: " Moira appears to have given birth to a 9 month old baby. #emmerdale"

Emmerdale Moira Barton baby newborn
Moira gave birth last week but didn't even know she was pregnant (Credit: ITV) ©ITV

Someone else commented: " Are we honestly supposed to believe that baby is only a few days old?! No wonder Moira had a tough delivery!!"

Another pointed out: "@emmerdale Surely the producers could have found a newborn or smaller baby!! Moira's baby looks about 2 month old!!!!"

A fourth said: "@emmerdale how on earth #Moira didn’t know she was pregnant with that whopper of a baby you’ve got to play the part has had me in stitches!!"

Emmerdale Moira Barton baby newborn
Fans couldn't believe the size of the new baby (Credit: ITV) ©ITV

Another viewer argued: "That baby is WAY too huge for a newborn - he's nearly as big as Victoria!! #Emmerdale"

One more added: "Oh ! So that baby is at least 3 months old. Only a mother can tell this… btw my son was 10.8"


What did you think of the new baby on Emmerdale? Do you think it was unrealistic? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter.


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