ADIOS WALFORD! Whitney and Woody to start new life in Spain?


by Tess Lamacraft |
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When Woody is offered a job in Spain the couple get ready to pack their bags!....

It’s not surprising Whitney is tempted to leave drab and dreary Walford, life in Albert Square has hardly been a bed of roses for her…more a thorny and tangled succession of nightmares!

So when Woody is offered a job in sunny Spain she’s practically racing upstairs to pack her bikini!

The surprise scenario kicks off next week when her barman boyfriend is offered a promotion abroad and Linda secretly suggests he should ask Whitney to move out there too.

Woody ponders a life abroad with Whit ©BBC

Hmm…no hidden agenda there then L. We know just how threatened Linda feels following her hubby, Mick’s, kiss with the gorgeous Whit. Why not pack her off a few thousand miles away just to be safe eh?

Whitney’s delighted by the prospect of sangria and sunshine, however the plan has a spanner thrown in the works when she and Woody have yet another fiery argument.

Uh Oh. Whitney and Woody have a heated showdown ©BBC

Oh dear. Linda and Mick are determined the pair should patch up their differences and sit them down for a good old heart-to-heart in the Vic kitchen and it looks like the Carters’ relationship counselling techniques pay off when Whit and Woody kiss and make up.

Mick and Linda play peacemakers to the warring couple ©BBC

“Phew”, thinks Linda who immediately sets about organizing a special send off for the pair…..she’s certainly not hanging around is she…bet she’s got their passports laid out in the hallway and their bags packed too!

The Carters arrange a special Spanish farewell bash ©BBC

Whitney is delighted when she walks into the bar to see a special Spanish themed party awaiting her….and Ian and his mum Kathy look pretty pleased to be at the bash too…oh, no, hang on a minute…no they don’t, although we like the tache Kath!

Kathy and Ian are at the party ©BBC

With the party out of the way, the young couple prepare to say, “Hasta la vista”, to Walford for a fresh start in Spain. Is this a happy and exciting new beginning for Whit and Woody or are things about to go slightly pear-shaped?

Do you think Whit and Woody will make it abroad? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter


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