DANGEROUS MOVE! Desperate Mick turns to crime in EastEnders


by Tess Lamacraft |
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NOOO! Mick turns criminal in order to make some dosh!.......

Having had their beloved Queen Vic snatched from under their noses thanks to the odious Willmott-Brown and Judas Max, Mick and Linda are reluctantly forced to think about their next move.

The pair set off for an interview to run a new pub and although their meeting gets off to a shaky start the couple are delighted when they later get offered the landlord position at a new boozer! Well done team Carter!

Mick and Linda are gutted at the prospect of leaving Walford ©BBC

So far so good, but things slide rapidly downhill when they learn exactly how far away the pub is and discover the job is not entirely what it was cracked up to be.

Linda’s devastated to realise they wouldn’t be able to take the whole family, (what, no room for Shirl?), but Mick’s mum insists they should go for it.

Mick’s not convinced though and later on, as if by magic, Aidan turns up and gives the cash-strapped Carter the option to get rid of all his money worries in one fell swoop…..or in one very dodgy heist to be precise!

Phil's gearing up for the "job" with his former prison buddy, Aidan ©BBC

With Vincent and Phil already on board with the criminal caper, Mick is given food for thought and after some soul-searching he decides he’s going to go for it. He’s in!

Is he going to fill wife L in on what he’s got planned? Don’t be ridiculous! Mick later covers to Linda and tells her they’re all staying put, he’s been offered a new job at a pub via a good mate and it won't be long before they no longer have to worry about money....ahem.

The crew go through details of the heist ©BBC

An oblivious Linda is relieved that they won’t have to ship out of London but her relief would turn to horror if she really knew what Mick was planning.

When Aidan gathers his crim crew comprising- Vincent, Keanu, Phil and Mick - together at The Albert, the group get to work on laying the groundwork for the job to ensure it goes perfectly to plan.

What could possibly go wrong? ©BBC

Is Mick already in way over his head and are things about to take a very dangerous turn….just in time for Christmas?

We’ve got a VERY bad feeling about this….

**Do you think Mick is going to regret this? Should he back out? Let us know on FacebookFacebook or [Twitter](***http://twitter.com/CloserOnline*http://twitter.com/CloserOnline


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