The horrified mum is in turmoil as she comes face to face with her rapist!
It’s been 30 years since Kathy Beale was brutally raped by sinister businessman Willmott-Brown but next week her worst nightmare unfolds when she comes face to face with her attacker.
Ian’s terrified mum gets the shock of her life when posh W.B saunters casually into the café – it’s clear it’s not a bacon butty or a cup of her finest tea that he’s after.

A shocked Kathy struggles to believe that after all this time, Willmott-Brown, who spent three years in prison for her rape, has suddenly come back into her life.
When he tells her he wants to put the past behind them Ian’s mum can hardly believe what she’s hearing especially when it becomes clear he still doesn’t think he did anything wrong the night he raped her in The Dagmar.

“Willmott-Brown still doesn’t accept what he’s done”, says Gillian Taylforth who plays Kathy. “Kathy goes through everything and tells him what he did. He just says, ‘It’s such a shame that we can’t move on. What’s the matter with you, you’re still going on about old things.’”
Hmm. Good luck with any kind of remorse or smidgen of understanding or compassion Kathy! It ain’t going to happen!

A shaky Kathy orders him to leave but it’s clear seeing Willmott-Brown has rocked her to her core.
Later on Ian notices his mum is far from her normal chirpy self but despite Kathy wanting to shield her son from the truth she crumbles and tells him that Willmott-Brown came to see her.
Ian’s not only appalled but is feeling decidedly anxious about his mum’s safety. There’s only one man for the job in times of crisis and that’s Kathy’s tough-nut ex Phil!

Ian tracks Phil down and fills him in on the latest developments and quick as a flash the Mitchell-man is on it. He goes off to confront W.B.
What is Phil planning to do and should Fi’s smarmy dad be quaking in his expensive suit? After all, Phil’s not exactly the type to hold back when there’s a meaty punch-up, (or far worse), to be had…..YIKES
What do you think Phil will do to Willmott-Brown? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter
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