Danniella Westbrook is seemingly crossing her fingers for a return to her role as Sam Mitchell on EastEnders after her on-screen brother Phil agreed to buy back the Queen Vic.
Recent episodes have seen current landlord Mick Carter announce they would be giving up the pub in order to help his wife Linda Carter with her alcoholism.
And with original family the Mitchell’s now back at the helm, Danniella thinks the time might be ripe for Sam to make her return.

Danniella has played the role of Sam on and off for 30 years, last appearing in Walford for her mum Peggy’s funeral last year.
Prior to that, she had been living in Portugal with her brother Grant and son, Richard.
Speaking to Paul Danan on his podcast The Morning After, Danniella said, “I'd like to go back and take the Queen Vic over, I'd love to. I think Sam should buy it behind Phil's back.
"Her and [Phil’s wife] Sharon don't get on anyway.
"She can give Sharon some hell, seep with a few people - that's what she always does."
CHECK OUT: next week's EastEnders spoilers - Jean Slater has a seizure
EastEnders spoilers: Jean Slater has a seizure slider

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Kush grows concerned about Jean's behaviour and is shocked when Shirley reveals that the police are arriving.

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They're both surprised when it comes to light that Jean called the police multiple times about Whitney Dean's disappearance - despite her returning home.

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Jean is embarrassed and later snaps at Kush and explodes at Whitney for "lying" and making her look stupid.

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When Shirley demands to know the truth, Kush admits that Jean hasn't been taking her medication.

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Kush and Shirley decide to take control of the situation... Later as they discuss what's going on they are completely oblivious to Jean feeling really unwell.

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Shirley and Kush jump to the conclusion that her explosive mood swings are down to her medication not working.

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Jean fumes at Shirley and then storms off. Soon after Shirley and Tina Carter manage to track Jean down but they are alarmed when they discover her having a seizure - what's wrong with Jean?

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Mitch Baker is desperate to help his son and asks Jack for help but the police officer insists they need to wait for the bodycam footage to be repaired. Mitch then asks Denise to have a chat with Jack.

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Jack, Tiffany and Denise try and help Keegan but he's frustrated by the whole situation and storms off.

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Jack then reveals that a witness has come forward with video evidence, but shortly after puts his foot in it when he asks Keegan again if he's definitely innocent.

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Jack then shows Tiff and Keegan the video and everyone is relieved when it proves he wasn't involved.

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Jack then insists that Keegan keeps the news to himself...

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Phil is floored when a surprise present he was going to give Dennis arrives and when Ben turns up they begin to reminisce about him.

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Ben is left gutted when it dawns on him that Phil is getting frustrated that he can't hear...

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Later when he discovers his operation is the following day, he opens up to Callum about what's happening.

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Phil asks Mick and Linda Carter to get the deal done because he needs cash but he's shocked when Danny overhears their conversation.

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The two sit down and discuss a potential job but when Danny mocks Ben and says his one condition is that Ben can't be involved...

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Phil is left furious and lashes out at Danny and turns down the job.

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He then opens up to Ben and asks him to help out with his own plan...

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On the day of his operation, Phil shares details about their upcoming job so Ben tries to get information about what the police might know from Callum.

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Even though he's feeling unwell, Ben goes to his operation with Callum. However when it dawns on Callum that Ben is digging for information, he storms off.

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When Stuart discovers that Rainie wants a big wedding, he uses inspiration from the parlour.

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However when Max makes a dig about their wedding plans, Rainie is left deflated.

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Stuart then points out that Rainie can get half of Max's assets in the divorce... She later does some digging.

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Peter walks in on Jay and Lola kissing and accidentally lets slip that he knows about their rough patch.

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Lola reveals she told Peter about the abortion and Jay is nothing but supportive. She later begs Peter to not reveal that they slept together - will he agree?

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Isaac continues to struggle following Sheree Trueman's bombshell and decides to skive off work. He later finds himself in an embarrassing situation with Denise.
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In Danniella’s personal life, too, it could be the right time to return to work after beating ovarian cancer and a stint in rehab to beat her own addiction problems.
After appearing on the now defunct Jeremy Kyle Show last year, Danniella was sent on a 12-week stay at a rehab facility, and has been clean and sober since.
“If Jeremy hadn’t reached out to me I would be dead,” she said last year. “When he saw me for the first time out of rehab he had tears in his eyes. I told him he’d saved my life. I was six and a half stone. I didn’t realise how bad I was. I looked like a 70-year-old woman - like I was already dead.
“Cocaine ruined my life. It hurt my health and stripped me of my personality and my self-respect and self-worth.”