Eva Price to strike up relationship with partner in crime ADAM BARLOW?!


by Emma Dodds |
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Eva Price is about to embark on a steamy affair of her own - with her partner in crime Adam Barlow

It's hard to be surprised by this new Coronation Street storyline as most of us have literally been WAITING for it since Eva and Adam teamed up to bring down Aidan after she discovered him cheating on her with Maria.

Come on - they're both very pretty people with an obvious chemistry. It was only a matter of time, wasn't it.

Adam and Eva have been getting closer and closer over the past few weeks (Credit: ITV Pictures) ©ITV Pictures

So even though Eva could have quite rightly been livid with Adam when she found out that he'd known about Aidan and Maria's affair all along and didn't tell her, she instead got him on side and the two have been working together to BRING AIDAN DOWN.

Adam's motives in this are to get his hands on Underworld, in case you'd forgotten that part.


Eva is just about to call off her revenge plot (you know, faking a pregnancy with Aidan) after feeling guilty about how excited Aidan is about "the baby".

WATCH: Adam Forces His Way Into Eva's Plan for Revenge - Coronation Street


She goes to Adam and tells him she wants out, but is surprised when he immediately agrees and doesn't try and push her back into it.

He straight away gives her the hard drive full of damning evidence once he realises how upset she is about the situation, but as she heads over to the factory to swap it over, Aidan and Johnny come back in the middle of a VERY interesting conversation.

Will she change her mind when she hears they're talking about?

She's literally got NO idea what to do, so she talks to Adam again who tenderly advises her to get away and clear her head.

Eva was understandably livid when she discovered Aidan's affair (Credit: ITV/ Coronation Street) ©ITV/ Coronation Street

It's at this point that we all (including Eva) see just how much he cares about her, and she thanks him for his support.

Adam isn't a silly sausage - he leaps on the moment and goes in for a kiss. But what will Eva do?!

And is Adam's kindness genuine? Or is he up to something too?

Who bliddy knows with this lot...

Have you been watching Eva and Adam's friendship blossom? Are you rooting for the pair of them to get together? Let us know over on Facebook and Twitter.


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